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Starbase 113 & Kalkarindji - This way that way

Posted on 2024, Thu Feb 15th, @ 11:48pm by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins & Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden & Kyaron (pronounced Karen) Ivanov (nee Barker)

589 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Back and forth 113 & Kalkarindi

Jewel looked at Ilyce. "Does the Commodore know what Ponica Pellets are?"

"Small white pellets, which resize when they are wet. Starfleet does not like them on their starbases. They are used by transportation groups to support breakable items, so they reach their destinations without damage. I believe they are also the flavor of the month, as far as illegal inhalants go."

"Ponica Pellets are becoming standard procedure for a lot of things. Because you can resize them with any liquid, they are now being used by Damage and Construction Engineers, to move large items, raise TL Capsules so they can be hooked to other mechanical pieces. Because Starfleet doesn't like them, we don't store them. With the barriers down, there is no way, they can spread. However, we're going to have to borrow them from Kalk. They can relay beam them, and Jason across to 113. Then we can remove them from 113 and beam them back to Kalk, or one of their transportation ships."

"Open a channel to Kalkarindji." Ilyce couldn't believe how converted this was getting."

"Open line Commodore."

"Can I be of assistance Collins?"

"Savage. We... I am requesting assistance."

"And you dislike it. Ponica Pellets are standing by. Jason is suited and ready, as is Nordic and myself. Jason has already arranged a relay beam. Kalkarindi to Black Widow. Black Widow to Stylus One. Stylus One to Yellow Fin. Yellow Fin to Starbase 113. Yellow Fin will arrive with your fresh supplies two days after we beam in. We can conduct our business face to face on 113, if you're in agreement."

"That'll be fine. I'd appreciate it, if you left your weaponry on the Yellow Fin."

"Already arranged. Kyaron, Viv and Sugar will be transferring from the Fin to 113, if you have no objections."

"No objections." She didn't mention the Halo. She knew there was to be a meeting, held on 113 between Savage and someone, but since it wasn't on her agenda, it was none of her business. "I'll arrange to have you, your party and the pellets beamed directly to where we need it. Thank you."

"You are welcome. I'll advise Jason to commence the relay."

"Thank you, if she can advise what she'd like 113 to do, I'll see it's arranged."

"Just put one of Mad's lot at the beamer controls, and tell them that it's a relay. Whoever it is will know what to do, since the relay was Mad's creation." Jason's voice cut in. "Relays take longer because the patterns are separated in the first scramble, instead of being beamed as a whole, it breaks up what's being beamed into packets and then the last beam collects, sorts and reassembles."

Ilyce really didn't need to know that much information. "Tell me there is some form of safety that ensures the right pieces are put back together."

Jason's snort echoed. "Well misaligned reassembly has happened, but that's usually organic error, which is why it's not a standard transporter action. You'll need to have them in place in about four hours. We're initializing now."

Ilyce slid her hand across her throat, giving the standard 113 out. "Let's advise Sympathy via the Maintenance decks that she'll need to have one of hers at the beamer center for the assembly process of the relay beam please." She turned back to Jewel, glancing briefly at the NonAtmo wearing woman who was watching Jewel. "Anything else Lt?"

"We'll reinvade when the reassembly has completed."

Ilyce didn't tell Jewel what she thought of knowing all the details. "We'll stand by for reinvasion."


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