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Kalkarindji - Oops.... What the hell!

Posted on 2024, Mon Apr 22nd, @ 3:18am by Kyaron (pronounced Karen) Ivanov (nee Barker)

1,061 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Kalkarindji - Deck 213
Timeline: Before Savage and Co are seen on 113

Deck 213, made her uncomfortable, but as Kalkarindji Quartermaster Kyaron Ivanov had the power to go everywhere, if she had reason too. And that was precisely what she had done. Unfortunately someone here hadn't followed the rules. Seeing who she was married too, Kyaron wasn't allowed on a deck where there was trouble. Except the way she saw it, she hadn't done anything wrong.

Which was why she was now standing on
top of two eight shelved bookcases, clinging to a pipe screwed into the ceiling.

"Will you shut the fuck up!" She demanded glaring across at Nordic who was struggling to keep the grin off his face.

"You know he doesn't like words like that coming out of your mouth."

"Then don't just stand there and do nothing. Shoot the bloody thing and drag it over there."

"What! Get my clean hands dirty? Are you crazy?"

Nordic figured by the way his sleeve communicator was buzzing, that he had barely three or so minutes before Savage came storming through the doors.

"It's not funny Nordic." The second female wedged up, her legs and arms twisted around Kyaron who had anchored herself to the main retardant pipe which insured there was no chance for anything undesirable to break through said pipe.

"The whole kit and kaboodle is going to come crashing down, if I add my weight to both of yours." He eyed Rowena Volkov, his bride.

"You know what?" Kyaron pulled out a pistol from her jeans and pointed it at the large snake which was slithering its way across the floor.

"Kyaron, don't!" Nordic's amused tone lost all its mirth, as those people around him suddenly dove for cover. "Where the hell did you get that from?" Nordic knew what was going to happen, and cursed, as he watched Kyaron take aim at the snake and pull the trigger.

"What the hell do you mean, you aren't sure?" Savage's voice didn't rise as the TL doors slid open and he started to step out. Nordic's yell, the ping, ping, ping, ping of something metal hitting other metal items, drew his attention, as he dived for the floor, seconds before Deeton's body crashed down on top of him. Hearing and feeling the whistle of a bullet as it sank into the TL capsule around his boot.

Deeton rolled off Savage and offered him a hand. Letting his drop when Savage climbed to his own feet and strode across the deck. "Where did she get that from?"

Nordic struggled to keep his face blank. "She hasn't shot anyone yet, not even the snake."

Savage wanted to grab Nordic, spin him around and smash his face into the pylon behind him. But he didn't. He forced his heart to slow, as he stalked across the room towards the bookcase, and the two women.

"Give." He wasn't expecting his bride to drop the gun. He wasn't expecting her to drop the gun without putting the safety on. Grabbing it, he managed to jerk his booted foot out of the way, before a bullet came streaking out, pining as it hid the metal plating on the floor, and being propelled into the air.

Closing his eyes as his forehead felt the cold plate, he glanced left to see Deeton on his back, holding his arm just below the shoulder, blood coating his fingers.

"Do you think you could have used another word?" Deeton quietly asked. Looking at the gun, as if it had a mind of it's own.

"Do you need assistance getting too medical?" Savage asked.

"No, you mind not interacting with yours until the TL evacuates this level?"

"Kyaron. No!" Leaping to his feet, Savage barely caught Rowena, swinging her towards Deeton, snagging his bride before she hit the ground.

"Don't even consider making a sound." Savage told his bride, swinging her up and around and over his shoulder.

Rowena bit her lip staying where she was in front of Deeton, not looking at Nordic.

"Is there something I should know?" He asked Rowena.

"213 called in an escape. When we arrived. they were trying to find, whatever it was... is. We took one look and started climbing. He came in and offered his usual. Kyaron gave it back. No one watched the snake. Kyaron told him to get it. He laughed. She pulled the gun. You... ah know the rest. Whoever gave it to her, I think they forgot the safety wasn't on."


Savage let his hand make contact with the rounded arse over his shoulder. Her ouch was enough for the moment. "Nordic, the snake. Deeton take Rowena to Aric and get her settled in one of the quarters on the Bride Deck. She doesn't leave the deck without an escort. Nordic, I'll see you in ninety minutes." He turned on his heels and headed for the waiting TL. Nodding his head, the door slid shut and the lift started down.

Deeton slid his unbloodied hand around Rowena's neck and steered her towards the TL's. He didn't bother saying anything to Nordic. That was Savage's problem.

"I'm sorry you got hurt."
"Did you know she had the gun?"
"Sort of. She got given something, and she put it into her jeans, but I didn't want to know, so I didn't look that hard."
"And you didn't tell Nordic." It wasn't a question.
"Yes or No?"
"You're bloody lucky, it was a projectile." Deeton pushed her out of the TL, and gave her a slightly harder push towards the man who handled security of the deck and protection of the brides.

"You want an emergency beam?" Aric entered his code and watched Rowena walk inside.
"No." Deeton turned back towards the TL. "You got his instructions?"
"Made comfortable in one of the quarters. Not to leave unescorted, and to keep Nordic out until otherwise instructed." Nodding Deeton hit the button for his ship's deck.

"You know the rules." Aric entered his code in one of the keypads on a set of doors, and moved back to let Rowena enter. Not getting an answer he closed the door and returned to his station.

Rowena barely held on till Aric closed the door, before sinking down onto the floor, buried her head in her hands and cried.

OOC: This post got lost in my saved posts. There are several in progress.


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