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Starbase 113 - Bad Eggs

Posted on 2024, Tue Jan 30th, @ 1:08am by Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins & Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden
Edited on on 2024, Thu Feb 1st, @ 11:42am

1,393 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Various Areas
Timeline: Current

Commodore Ilyce Collins sat on the corner of her allocated desk in the Project Eneabba area, which was in a high security area of the Strategic Operations Area.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." Strategic Operations Officer Lt Fi Bailey, the only other person in the room answered, sipping her third cup of coffee in two hours.
"But you didn't see or hear what they were discussing?"
"No. But when that many different aged kids are together, you can bet they aren't up to anything good."

"It's not going to look good, if security starts pulling kids in, over what you think they were doing."
"Or thinking about or planning. I know that, but I also know they're up to something."
"I don't doubt it." Ilyce confirmed. If you're given access to the kids id files, could you identify some of them?
"I think I could identify most of them, between the photos and their classes."
"Alright, lets start with that. I'll have the Security Chief get you a SECO to assist. They'll be watched, and only watched."

"Got it." Fi answered. "I could have been knocked over with a piece of straw, when it was announced that you'd gone up the chain. Can I ask what happened?"
"Actually, I didn't ask. My orders said 2.I.C. I got commed to head straight for the CD. The man sitting there was not 113's RO. That I figured out. He was about to be brained, so I did the usual."
"Damn! Did he react?"
"No. But he did get an explanation, I didn't bother with everything. I did however tell him that we were a tightly wrapped parcel."

Fi looked at the five animals which were laying on the floor at Ilyce's feet.
"At least he didn't get muddled and go to shoot one of them."
"So, now I'm 113's BC."
"That you are." Fi agreed. "Let me if I can do anything to help. Strategic Operations Officer has to have some benefit. I thought we were going the security path."
"Someone up the chain, thought we'd have better access with SO."
"So you get to put in place the changes you always said you would."

= = = Civilian Deck Mess Area = = =

Rose Batten might have been young, but she wasn't stupid. Thirteen children of different ages didn't normally sit together, unless they were made too. Estimating their ages to be between eleven and sixteen, maybe a few years younger or older, she wasn't close enough to hear what they were saying. So she picked up her artist's PADD and her stylus and began to sketch them. She'd look them up and try to identify them back in her quarters.

Jayden Whitfield sat next to Christian Bluee who sat next to Dylan Carter. Then came Emily Beet, Kerry Smith and Karen Barlow. Joanna Pit sat opposite him, Jason Woo, Gail Soth, followed, then came Madi Coughtrey, John Esyer with Trev Scott and Vikki Gait at either end.

"Can you see, what she's doing?"
"No, the plant behind you."
"Why, do you want pink flowers in your hair?"
"Then let's do this. We've got more ships coming in, that means more people. It really doesn't matter if she's drawing us, all we're doing is sitting here enjoying ice cream."

"Okay. I got the key. We can access thirty-seven turbo lifts. We've gotta be in place by five thirty seven. I was told that it would be easier to cause problems if we were in the lift."
"We get access to the panel with the key. We enter the code, and it will be accepted. We pick a starting time and a length. Two minutes before the time, the lift will be pulled from the log. At the time we choose the lift will return to the return area. When it goes back into action, it will take whoever is in it, to the top, then drop them hard seventeen decks, then a further nine decks, then up and continue as it has been programed. They won't be able to do anything till the time is up. According to the information I got, DCE will have to bring the lift down or up to medical and they'll have to haul anyone inside the lift will need assistance."

"You sure no one will be hurt?"
"Bruises, bumps, maybe a break or two."
"Okay, so where are we meeting?"
"Turbo Lift thirty-four. Don't all get in the lift on the same floor."
"Got it."
"Way to go."
"Bloody Good old chap."

Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden slumped into the closest chair to the entry to the closest mess she could find. She had gone to the TL and the twenty five trapped individuals stuck inside spent seventy five minutes getting them out. Another one hundred and forty minutes, getting their mound of luggage out and a further sixty two minutes returning the TL to the return pit.

From there it had been to another suck TL with sixteen people inside, along with a higher pile of belongings then the first TL. They had liked her instructions to not pile that amount of so called belongings into a TL. From the second TL to a third with more people and luggage the cause. Then came five more TL board and release, before she'd had a word with security and operations to better limit the amount of people and luggage that went into the TL's.

Fourteen hours later, it was now and Lieutenant JG Jewel Marsden, wanted nothing more than a shower, a soak tub and some down time.
"What happened with meeting up for dinner and drinks?" Asked he one person she'd hope to escape.

"What happened Rose, was excessive numbers of people incoming who were determined to get into the first TL that arrived."

"Couldn't you have called?"
"No Rose, I got called for an early start. When my Boss calls, I answer. When he says deck 8. I go to deck eight. I'm not prepared to thumb him off, just because of a dinner meet."
"Can I join you, I have a question."
"Sure." Jewel answered. "What question?"

"See those kids?" Rose sat with her back to the table of said kids.
"I see them." Jewel drank her coffee enjoying the burn down her throat. "What about them?"
"I think they are up to something."
"Up to something?"
"How many ties do you see a group of kids together?"
"I don't normally see kids. What's wrong with them sitting together?"
"Age doesn't mix."

"Fifteen year olds don't share a tale with nine year olds."
"They don't?"
"Believe me, they don't. Unless there is something a foot."
"A what?"
"Foot. A foot. Being planned. Hatched. Under way. In progress."

Jewel let out a long breath, and looked at Rose. "Rose, I'm WDDCE. My job isn't to spy on kids. It's to fix battle damage, and in this case, I also get maintenance jobs. To be brutally honest, I'd rather deal with a blocked toilet, then have anything to do with a bunch of little fingers."

Rose slumped. "I know they are up too something. Big. Kid's don't look at the big picture. They stay at what they are on, for however time it takes."

"And what do you want to do?"
"I'm not sure." Rose admitted. "I drew them I was going to see if I could identify them through the class photo collection."
"And do what?"
"Go talk to their parents."
"And say what?" Jewel asked. "You can't just approach parent's and say. I saw a group of tweens and teens, having lunch at the same time sitting together."
"But I'm a teacher, I know what to watch out for."

"Rose, you can't do anything. If you think security should know then drop their box a note but I can pretty much assure you that, they are flat chat and will only take notice if the kids are caught in the act, or set off an alarm."

"So, what do I do?"
"If you believe something is happening, then watch and take notes." Jewel answered. "But I think you're wasting your time. Everyone is too busy with on and offs, they're looking at pushing things back, not add to their work load."

Witten By the bad eggs, Rose, Ilyce, Fi and Jewel.


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