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Kalkarindji - Deck One

Posted on 2024, Sat Jan 27th, @ 11:46pm by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov
Edited on on 2024, Thu Feb 1st, @ 1:40pm

1,338 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Kalkarindji Outpost
Timeline: Current

Turbo Lift SNI

Kalkarindji Outpost was like every other Starfleet or privately owned Starbase, it was active twenty four hours a day or period. Even though it was zero one hours, it could have been thirteen hundred hours given the amount of people active. Nordic watched out the transparent walls of the turbo lift or TL. Savage leant against the silver rail, eyes forward and the third occupant stood straight, legs apart to keep her stable, ready for an instant stop should it happen.

Stepping out of the TL when it stopped gently, Jason, the smallest of the three by a long shot, ignored those who worked on deck three, heading to the single door which would lead them where they wanted to go. The TL's ended at deck three, to access the two levels above one used the stairs, if they were authorized. Jason ignored the visible automated weapons systems which supplied the defensive offensive capabilities which followed their progress to level two.

Moving back into position when they continued upwards, opening the door to the highest, the top, the upmost high of the highest, one could go without a NonAtmo or spacesuit. Stepping out onto the Turbo Lift Mechanics level, the point where all the control elements are located for all turbo lifts. Which is why the TLs didn't come up this far. Unlike SF stations, Kalk was constructed using tech from various species, various time periods, and from the quirks of various individuals, including herself.
"Deck one. Men's underwear, socks and lingerie." Jason announced.

"Lingerie?" Nordic raised an eyebrow, looking at Savage, or rolled his eyes.

"Satin, silk, rope, rubber, kept zipped or let it hang."

Nordic shivered. "You are aware, commando is a thing."

Jason gave a smile. "Yeah and one of you is going to have to let me give it a go."

Nordic looked at Savage. "There is no bloody way I'm letting her handle my bits."

"Did we modify?"

"A few adjustments away from the walls to allow for slightly larger people to work." Jason stood at the visible protector bar, stopping anyone from falling. Glancing at the main mechanics which worked the TLs she watched the moving pieces move in unison. She'd sent all the modifications to Savage when they were done. She knew he knew but figured the question had been to change the subject.

"Two." Savage instructed.

"Going down to men's tights, lacewear, and..."

Nordic growled.

"Turo Lift Return. Deck two is one of several levels to which inactive turbo lifts are returned until they are needed." Jason led the way out the door and down to the next deck. Entering she sidestepped one of the bots which worked with the ceiling cranes to move the inactive TL capsules that currently weren't in use to their slots where they would rest till the demand for TLs rose and more returned to service.

Savage stepped over a bot making a loud beeping noise. There really wasn't any necessary reason why he did this but he did and it seemed to calm his overactive mind. Going deck to deck, visually seeing, visually checking that no major changes had been made, meant he could give orders knowing that the layout, and everything on that deck was what his brain remembered for that deck. He also knew Nordic would have already done it, but he hadn't. So in the next twenty nine days till the outpost officially opened, he would be checking every deck.

Touching one gloved hand to one of the dormant TLs, he didn't bother looking down, when another Bot ran over his booted feet, erupting in a volage of sounds. He could still remember his first encounter with a TL Return deck. He'd spent more than three hours simply sitting and marveling that such small bots could handle the larger TLs with only the aid of the ceiling cranes.

Nordic's eyes narrowed as the cranky bot backed towards him, then turned and whizzed away, making a single noise, narrowly avoiding his boot. He didn't miss the grin on Jason's face and had to wonder if she'd instructed the bots to do what they were doing. While he respected what she did, she annoyed the hell out of him. At the start, he resented that she had more knowledge about systems than he did. Until her ability to read those systems quickly ended a hostile takeover, without a shot being fired.

"Three." Savage announced from the door.
"Deck three is a security deck. Access is limited to relevant crew. Has the highest security level and has the highest outside space access point." Jason stated, slipping under Savage's arm and back to the door they'd first entered. Staying on the edge, Jason visually checked systems, walls, ceiling, automated systems, consoles, panels, and everything else. Eyeing a flashing light, she leant over a desk and removed several PADDs from their
resting place, stopping the flashing light. Running a gloved finger over the vibrating sleeve communications device she preferred to use, she acknowledged the notification of the alarm and moved on.

"Decks four, five and six." Savage stepped into the waiting TL and waited.
"Command decks. TL access through five. Stairs from five up and down." Jason announced. "No changes, but we have increased the power load to all three, and we've installed nine new Sugar elements."
"I never want to be trapped in that mind." Nordic announced. "Or Viv's."

"Which reminds me, Sugar adapted her hull plates and they are now on all TLs, she was able to lighten their weight. It meant I had to widen closed areas and add a little to the counter weights and the magnetics but I believe it was worth it, enabling the TLs to act as roving Defensive Offensive assets. I sent the details to your vaults."

Nordic tapped his sleeve communicator and brought up his secured message vault. "Can they be mounted anywhere I deem..."

"Cover the entire interior." Savage stated, as they walked the stairs from level four back to five and his command deck office.

"I'll have to close each day for between twenty four and fifty hours." Jason answered, when Savage finished talking to the on-duty deck officer.

"Work it out with Nordic and Torment. Do the main activity decks first, before normal activities." Savage entered, checking that it was, as he had left it, before backing out and letting the door close and lock.

"Done." They both answered.

Continuing back to the stairs and down to six, the lowest level of the three command decks, Savage spoke with various people as he did the tour.

"Additional two." Nordic stated nodding at Savage's nod. "Adjustments to automated systems. Seven additional offensive defensive placements. Three isolation cells now active. Sugar's suggested items installed. Three additions from Viv also installed."

"I really want to watch anyone's attempt to take the command trio." Jason stated. "If only SF knew what Kalk has."

"Which they will never know." Nordic stated. He knew some of Savage's applications had been passed on to Star Fleet. But he knew that they hadn't changed they needed to test everything to the ninth degree, but he had to wonder why those here hadn't come knocking to see what they could do to upgrade their defensive offensive applications.

"Upping their DOs means it's less likely that Kalkarindji gets targeted." Savage stated.

"No one black, Bratva, or in their right minds would openly target Savage Nikolai Ivanov." Jason stated as they stepped back into the TL and dropped to their next level.

Nordic glanced at Savage. He knew that the attempts were increasing, the log clearly showed that. But Jason didn't have access to that. He knew she could get into it should she want or need too. But she hadn't needed to yet. She was inventive enough, but she wasn't reckless, nor was she curious.

"Deck eight is the highest of the many Defensive/Offensive Hangars...."

Written by Savage, Nordic & Jason,
(OOC: hasn't been a good weekend, bio coming for Jason)


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