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Kalkarindji - Moving in.

Posted on 2024, Wed Jan 24th, @ 2:44am by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Kyaron (pronounced Karen) Ivanov (nee Barker)
Edited on on 2024, Thu Feb 1st, @ 1:39pm

2,218 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Kalkarindji Outpost
Timeline: Current

Ivanov Private Hanger.
Kalkarindji Outpost

A group of seven large males, stood waiting as the doors of the ‘Ivanov’ opened, and the protection detail began to perform their duties. Only one of the group moved forward. Nordic Volkov, held out his hand, which the slightly smaller man took. Slightly by two inches.

“Boss.” Nordic’s eyes took in everything, including the fact that Savage’s bride wasn’t with him. Which meant that, she’d crossed another line and would have trouble sitting comfortably for days.

“Yes.” Savage Nikolai Ivanov stated, answering Nordic’s unasked thoughts. Savage’s gaze didn’t miss the piles of construction material, some of the walls missing the finished shine, the occasional dangling light strips, the construction warning tape, the dust, rubble and broken piles of bits and pieces that covered the hangar deck. He’d already been given an update on the process of where the Kalkarindji sat in relation to being ready for business. Six foot seven, two hundred and eighty two pounds of solid muscle, Savage Nikolai Ivanov wasn’t a man that disappeared in the crowd. He was a man that people noticed. In most families, the oldest brother took over when the father stepped aside. In the Ivanov family, it didn’t work that way. It went to the son, who was the most feared. It went to the son, who handled business and did whatever was necessary.

In the Ivanov family, that son was Savage Nikolai Ivanov. One of thirty brothers, all born to one father, but five brides. And of course there were four sisters, but in the world they lived and worked in, they really had only one purpose. They were there to be married to men, that the Ivanov’s wanted thanked or brought closer into their fold.

Savage was the brother, the other brothers went to when they had problems or needed solutions. Savage was the one brother, the other brothers didn’t annoy. Savage was the brother responsible for more than tripling the family’s wealth status and Savage was the brother that other’s feared.

“Your zones are completed and ready for occupation. Nine of the Ivanov’s suites have minor issues which are being addressed. We’re at minimum personnel lift operation, allowing more cargo lifts to get the bulk of the load to their destinations. Protocol are with everyone, not yours. There have been a few people trolling areas they aren’t meant to be in. Nordic’s lot have killed seventeen. There are eleven in holding.” Magnellan Ivanov shook his brother’s hand, continuing to update him. “Sugar’s got her hull tiles in place and all defensive offensive systems have been tested. Nordic has brought only thirty percent of Offensive Defensive (OD) systems online. He is working with Sugar as she brings more of hers online, he adjusts the other known systems. ” Magnellan handed him their version of the PADD. “There are ninety six buyers here, Covac and his lot arrived five days ago and the auction started three hours ago. Access Authorisation Only area’s are secured. Torment’s got all power types online, he’s still topping levels for hydro and wave options. A few levels are being investigated for temperature patches. Sellers who have leases started moving their shit in eight hours ago. Long rangers have picked up some SF ships heading for 113. Your package from Townsend is enroute. Deeton arrived twenty four hours ago. Sugar would like a meeting apparently, she’s got a few new OOTB items she thinks will benefit Kalkarindji. The Borg items have been transferred and the BDOP moved in yesterday. The Ivanov brides are secured under watch on the bride deck. The last of our brothers arrive today. Food production hit a snag, clips didn’t fit, Jason came up with a solution, and her lot are advising as needed. K’Vak limped his ship in, it needs to be bombed and replaced, but we know that won’t happen. We’re at seventy three percent on the outer docking areas. Jason and Torment are agreeing for once on several outer rings need repositioning. They’re also in agreement to speak to you before starting, so a few hangar decks are shut until that happens. The occupants of the aquarium are in the process of being moved in. Decks thirty eight and nine, have leaky issues and they are being worked on. Twelve decks are in the dark, Jason’s lot are on it. There’s a very sharp odor on decks ten to eighteen. A burning smell in areas on decks one twenty to one forty seven. Eleven inches of water on decks one seventy three to one seventy five. A fruity smell on decks one ninety two and one ninety three. Medical, Nordic’s lot under Jason and Torment are searching Jeffries Tubes, vents etc for a rotting body as decks two hundred and thirty to two hundred and sixty have the dead smell. Deck two fifty seven to two sixty eight have been sealed because of PP’s, a cargo transport container split while being moved, Jason and Torment closed those levels to TL’s and everyone accessing those levels must be in NonAtmo’s. Decks three forty, the secured waste centre is closed, when they turned it on part of the mincing equipment jammed before exploding. There was a partially minced, they believe it’s a male in a Starfleet uniform, body. Definitely not an inside job, it wasn’t chopped before being put in. Orchid is not happy.” Magellan finished.
Savage gave a short nod. There were always going to be issues when they moved Kalkarindji, however this time wasn’t as bad as other times. He went to start his reply, when both is PADD, watch and sleeve beeped, not that he had to be told when his bride was close by. Not turning he waited.

Coming to a halt just outside her husband’s choice of private transport didn’t put her, Kyaron Ivanov in a good mood. It actually made her arse burn more, it also put her in the wrong frame of mind. Which meant her red butt was in for more.

Thinking through her options, she really only had two. There was no way she was making a run for it, especially since she had to get passed the man in question to reach the hangar doors, and Nordic’s men were there. Not that she stood any chance of getting past Savage.

So, she was left with either following his instructions or ending up against the wall or over his legs, bare and hurting. Her butt stung and he knew it. He also knew how these thoughts were going around in her head. Ignoring her ‘protection’ detail, she drew in a breath and let it out, before walking towards him. Stopping to his side she shivered, goosebumps bubbling to the surface, covering her skin. Feeling his hand slide over her butt, up her back to end around her neck, she knew better than to open her mouth.

She was an Ivanov bride. She was his property. He was the dominant. She was the submissive, at least to him. She kept her eyes on the floor. She moved when he put pressure around her neck, his fingers slipping under the metal collar she wore. Standing in front of him, she wanted to rip his hand from around her neck. She didn’t like her reaction to his dominant ways. It had always been this way, but that didn’t mean she liked it.

She had been told not to run.
And she did. Not just once, but many times.
She had been told he’d find her.
And he always found her.
She knew what would happen when he had.
And it had.
But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try again.
It meant she needed a better plan.

She just had to wait for him to loosen his grip, and that was going to take time. Until then she had to mostly comply.

Having his fingers tighten around her neck, she knew she hadn’t been listening.
“Do I need to repeat.” It wasn’t a question, he knew she hadn’t heard him.
“Yes, Savage.”

“I said. You’re being taken to QM. Your detail keeps you in sight. You follow, the instructions you’re given.” He didn’t have to say anything else, his bride knew what she had to do. His tone didn’t change. He wasn’t finished with refreshing her memory yet. What she didn’t know however was that he’d been expecting her to run. She’d never been a good liar. From the start, he could read her like a book. Even years later, he could still read her the same way. He didn’t want a walking zombie, like some of his brothers. He liked their verbal mêlées, she had a brain and knew how to use it. He also enjoyed the hunt. And he wouldn’t let go of what was his. Kyaron Barker was his and she would always be his. She had been his, the first time he’d deliberately let her walk into him.

She had his last name.
She wore his jewelry.
She slept with him.
She showered with him.
She touched only him.
The list went on and on. As far as his realm was concerned, touching her was enough for a man to lose his head.

“Yes, Savage.” He could hear the frustration in her voice, she’d never been able to keep what and how she was feeling from showing and telling him, how she felt. He knew how she felt about having him touch her. He knew he confused her. He thought she would have caught on by now. But there was no way he was going to stop her from running. He knew where she was every second. He knew what she liked and what she didn’t. Tilting his head, he tasted the flesh on her neck and felt her shiver. Oh yeah, he definitely knew what she liked. He’d been the only man she’d every been with and would be with. That wouldn’t change. Afterall he’d been the one to teach her.

“Your arse is mine and we’re not finished with that lesson, yet.” It wasn’t a question and let himself smile, as she shivered again. ~Oh yeah, they won’t be finished for a long time.~ He thought. He’d do whatever he had to do to keep her. Turning her and nodding to one of his prime, he gave her a gentle push and she moved from him to Predator. Giving another nod, he watched Predator slip his hand around her neck and walk towards the hangar doors. He would wait a few hours before finding her. Pulling out a smaller version of the PADD they were using, he bought up the screen he wanted and passed it across to Nordic. He didn’t have to explain, Nordic gave him a short nod and handed the device back.

“You’ve got two hundred and eleven messages. I’ve been answering what isn’t on your private list.” Magnellan hit a button on the PADD he carried, watching the screen as they moved from his PADD to his brothers. “Star base 113 has a new lead. She was meant to be 2.I.C but she’s been promoted to full command. Her name is….”
“Ilyce, pronounced Ice. Collins. Commodore. Talks to the dead. Lead of Project Eneabba, without her, it wouldn’t exist.” Savage knew things about his immediate area that others didn’t. He wasn’t going to let things happen, right on his front doorstep without his knowledge. That meant he had get an information specialist onto 113 quickly. With or without Townsend knowing. ~ Maybe one of each. ~ He mentally added as they moved towards one of the transparent turbo lifts. Moving back as Magnellan selected the button.

“Your command deck level office is on deck 5. Ivanov Judgement Centre and your open office is on deck 119. Ivanov Corporation is on deck 120 with another office. All of the Ivanov brothers have offices on deck 121 and Ivanov Family Corp is on deck 122.” Magnellan kept up the information flow, as Savage made another deck choice. “We had to move some locations, and switch some to get others in. There are another one hundred and fifty seven groups who are interested in selling from Kalkarindji. I’ve contacted Murray and he says he has another thirty decks which could be sent our way.” Magnellan followed Savage out, moving to the next item. “Savage?” Magnellan waited.

“What about SF?” Savage stepped from the lift onto deck 120.
“We’ve been approached to let them have a deck to familiarize themselves with Kalkarindji. But I get the impression they might want to use it for information gathering or to slot people in.” Magnellan expected his brother to chuckle, stop or snort but just continued towards his office. “Savage?” Magnellan might serve as his secondary but even he didn’t just follow his boss in. Only Kyaron did that.

Savage Ivanov
Kalkarindi Outpost


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