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Posted on 2023, Wed Aug 30th, @ 11:02am by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese

234 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Star Fleet HQ, San Francisco-Commander In Cheifs Office
Timeline: 3 Days Before Halos Departure

The Commander In Chief wanted to Talk with Lt. Malcolm Reese, He had Mr.Reese a Promotion, And Was to Be Station On the USS Halo. The position would be admirals Advisor to Admiral Chris Townsend and would receive the rank of Vice Admiral.

Lieutenant Reese came to the commander in chief's office and rang the chime. He didn't know what was all going to be going on until he was discussed with something.

"Come" Lovell said still looking at his PADD.

"You asked to see me sir." He said. Still unsure about everything. But also confused.

"Yes, I Did, As you know you are currently on the Halo as a Civilian. But I want you somewhere else on the Halo"

"Yes sir I am sir. If I may ask you sir, where exactly do you want me at?"

"Your Welcome. Dismissed"

"I want you Admirals Advisor on the Halo With the rank of vice admiral, hows that sound?"

"Sir. Me an Admiral's Advisor. With the rank of Vice Admiral. I am honored sir. I accept." He said.

The Admiral Stands up and hands him is New Vice Admiral Rank. "Your now going to nee to change into the Red Uniform now. Is there any questions?"

"No sir. I want to say thank you for this huge promotion sir."

"Your welcome, Is there any questions?"

"No sir. None at all sir."

"Well your dismissed"


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