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Meeting with a new chance of a lifetime

Posted on 2024, Tue Apr 16th, @ 8:20pm by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov & Commodore Emily Janeway

2,452 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Welcome To Hell(Outpost/Janeway)
Location: Outpost Kalkarindji
Timeline: Current

Brigadier General Janeway walks off the landing platform with her tactical gear equipment rucksack strapped to her back while she is wearing her duty combat armored protection vested and the full combat weapon utility strap to her midsection as well as the primary standard issue phaser as far as her protection. She has also docked at Outpost Kalkarindji after being shipped out from Starfleet headquarters on a covert mission in Cardassian space. The outpost seems to look like some Pirate/Smuggler design; the outpost is the architecture material on the outside of the outpost's outer exterior hull. Janeway passed through the security clearance at the check-in entrance, where she discovered a small tavern; she walked into the tavern and asked the barkeeper for a small table, privately closed the back of the room, and told her that to be meeting with someone for a private meeting and put the deposit fee of whatever federation credits had as a depositing fee she grabs a soda bottle from the bar manager who has been waiting for her arrival.

"Mr Ivanov is on his way..." Sam, the bar manager, stepped back, letting her sentence die as two large males entered the room.

"And I even managed to get here despite having my pride and joy in bits and pieces." Savage pulled out a chair, sat, and offered Janeway his large hand. "I'll have my usual Sam." He stated as Nordic took his position behind him. "We're waiting..."

"I'm here." Another chair was pulled out, and a male as large as Savage sat. "Deeton West." He held out his hand towards Janeway, inspecting her from tip to toe. "You can choose whether I'm your owner, lover, or both since it's been decided that you're not going alone."

Savage didn't react when Deeton suddenly forgot the other alternatives that had been discussed. He didn't miss Nordic's snort though. Thanking Sam for his coffee, he took a drink and eyed Janeway. "I am aware of the fact that you can handle yourself, however with the way things are in that region. You're being given the level I deem necessary. Using Deeton as cover, you'll have the freedom to do your job, without having to waste energy trying to fit in."

General Janeway walks over to the table seat, takes the tactical backpack equipment that's strapped to her back, puts it down on the floor under the table between her legs, takes a bottle cap opener, opens her chilled bottle of soda root beer, takes a long sip, glances up at the two fellas sitting across from Savage Ivanov and Deeton then Janeway places down the half-filled beverage on the dining room table, opens her tactical backpack brings out a portfolio-like folder with the paperwork dossier information dispatched from Starfleet for the meeting arrangements places the paperwork on the table. ‘Janeway's apprehension climbs her mind as if pushing to get her attention.’ Janeway: “Oh my goodness, were my greeting manners; it's also a pleasure to meet you and Deeton,” she spoke with a stunning smile.

Deeton placed his hands on her waist and lifted her easily onto his lap. "We're fine boss, we can work it out ourselves."

Nordic snorted and rolled his eyes.

Savage merely drank his coffee. "Deeton here is a well-known element in the region you're going. His crew are well trained. Deeton's well known, if you listen to what he says, you'll be fine. I'll leave the two of you to work out the fine details, between here and your destination." He placed a metal bracelet on the table and slid it across to Janeway. "It goes on and stays on. If you do manage to give Deeton the slip, that'll tell whoever, that you're under my protection. Forget the rules and regulations. You pull a weapon, you use it. You pull a weapon; you shoot to kill. Forget about star fleet's orders. They use those orders to identify undercovers. They won't cut you any slack, you'll be stripped, locked in a cage, and fucked until your arse runs red with blood. The only thing that will stop them, is a bigger threat."

Janeway, still sitting on Deeton’s lap, turned her head to face him to show that she was still feeling flirting and confused about what the other person said regarding the bracelet that she had to be wearing because if she was going to need to undergo facial reconstructive surgery to change her appearance for the undercover operation that would be her only choice for her to fit in with the destination is going to. However, she is more plausible and concerned about using a self-defense weapon just in case she has to use the gun. Nonetheless, it would be under their protection. And since they were talking about if she was looking for someone who could become her new handsome lover. The pupils of her eyes turned in the color of the blue tint as if she was showing that she was in love.

Deeton had done a three sixty degree turn. He, at first didn't want anything to do with the baby sitting involvement, but Savage did what he usually did, and ignored what he didn't like. Deeton had to admit that he had less problems with her now. Knowing that she wasn't some woman in her twenties who couldn't control her hands, and would drive him crazy. This was sitting better. He wasn't prepared for the images that were bombarding his mind.

"You let me dangle thinking I'd spend ninety percent of my time, hiding from a twenty something bimbo who was sex crazy."

Nordic grinned, irritating Deeton further.

"The idea of you trying to wedge yourself into a weapons locker because a twenty something female wanted your arse, did amuse me." Savage stated.

"You're a big teddy bear. All warm and fuzzy." Deeton pointed out. "Okay she's no Bambi."

Nordic snorted. He needed to make sure his pieces were working before they left.

"Bambi fucked up. She got what she deserved." Nordic stated. He knew how the assignment had affected the other man. Hell, even he had considered the weapons locker to escape the sex crazed bimbo and he'd never thought that would happen.

"Take her to Viv she's got some new toys." Savage stated. "She's set up shop on four eleven. Since we've got four onboard, a display in the TL will be noticed."

"Can do." Deeton lifted Janeway up as he stood, repositioning her over one shoulder, he picked up her single bag and strode out towards the TL that could access the level he needed. Resting one big hand on her tiny rump, he strode out of the tavern.

"You need to add matchmaker to your long list." Nordic stated accepting a steaming tea from Sam and joined Savage and his new coffee at the table.

"And that reminds me, you're ignoring your bride." Savage pointed out. "Maybe you need a nudge."

Nordic coughed. "I think there's a spare booth on five hundred. I'll have it set up as Ivanov Matchmaking. 'Come and find a bad boy.'"

Savage grinned. "What, you don't think I could match it with those on the sex services deck?"

++ Turbo Lift ++

Deeton stood with Janeway over his shoulder positioned so she got a good view through the transparent walls that were the lift capsule, as it made it's way to their destination. In absolutely no hurry, to set her on her feet. His hand kept roving over her arse. "We are definitely getting you some new clothes." He stated. "Since you're, now mine till this is over." He wasn't a pup, and he was known for doing what he wanted, where he wanted, and not giving a damn about who was present. "I see that band or my claim off your body and you won't sit for a month, and it'll happen where I chose it to happen." He promised as they continued down.

Janeway wears the bracelet walking along with Deeton. She is still exhausted from the lengthy night of traveling to the outpost for the commissioning covert missions as mandated. Her rank as brigadier general was a unique request by her foster mama, well-known Fleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway. Hopefully, this time, she will be able to seek out a way to have another opportunity to be involved in a serious romantic relationship with a single male person who loves her and makes her confident enough to settle down and have a lineage of her own to maintain the Janeway family lineage.

Deeton didn't bother showing his identification as they stepped out of the TL. The two men guarding the double entry doors, were his men. They opened the door, and Deeton guided Janeway into Viv's domain. It was a complete mess. There were piles high of crates, trunks, bags, boxes, cushions, blankets. You had to weave your way in and out, over and around. Deeton snagged one pile that towered upwards when it started to move.


"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt." A small black haired mop stuck it's head around one pile and grinned, dropping what she carried and threw herself at Nordic, arms wrapping around his neck. "Savage called, I thought I could clean you a path before you got here."

Deeton looked at the carnage. "Are you finally staying this time?" He asked, as she danced around him and Janeway.

Viv nodded, twirling around and around grabbing one of Janeway's hands and dragged her away from Deeton and made her dance with her.
"Hi, I'm Viv. Savage says you're going out with D. Are you a baddie or a goodie. Black or white? Are you gonna sleep with D? He's got a nice tight bum." She ducked under Janeway's arm and pulled her through the chaos over to her very stark, sterile work area. "Do you know what I do?" Viv asked as she grabbed an old fashioned large folder filled with blank pages and started to draw with an equally old pencil.

Deeton leaned against the wall, arms crossed. As Viv focused on drawing Janeway. ~Peach.... nah. Sugar..... nah.... Honey? Lover? Sweets?... nah. Keep thinking old man. You need to give this one a name....~ He had a mental conversation with himself.

"I think you shouldn't give him everything on a plate." Viv told Janeway. "Can I call you Emily?" She asked as she drew. "It's a nice name. Have you got what you're gonna call her yet?" Viv looked at Deeton, gave a grin then turned back to Emily. "I think you should not be a long term relo. I think you need to bite. So you should go with him SAHing."

"Viv's saying, that she doesn't think we should have had a long term relationship, because I'm not the type to do long distance. She also thinks, it will make you more comfortable if you you're not totally willing, so you can be a bit volatile. Which leads to SAHing. Seeing and having. I've seen you somewhere and had to have you, so I've grabbed you. While that will allow you to be in the 'learning' phase." Deeton gave it to Janeway in plain English. "But it's up to you. Playing it as close to real is best."

"tenamreP." Viv asked Deeton.

"Ancient." Deeton confirmed.

"Got it. Anything else?" Viv asked.

"enim." Deeton stated, getting a nod from Vi. "Don't leave." He straightened and disappeared through the chaos.

"He'll be back. So, what do you think of D?"

Janeway went to her tactical backpack to get her unfinished beverage. She twisted open the bottle cap, sipped her drink, and listened to two people talking in the room. At the same time, Janeway eats the healthy travel dinner tray. Janeway didn't finish eating on the shuttle ride to the outpost space station. Positioned on a giant, tall makeshift wooden crate for the table, sits on the stool near the tall table and starts consuming her meal and cold drink bottle. Emily is starting to think about why they are both contesting about which part of my first or last name they would like to address me as, although I adore pampered. Janeway turns her own body around in her stool and tells VIV something about “ Deeton’s an acceptable craves to behave towards me like a beautiful, gorgeous woman. ”Janeway let out with a beautiful smile again towards Deeton, kept eating her healthy meal and finishing up her cold bottle of soda. Janeway said,” I’m interested in starting being in a relationship.” Janeway finished her own dinner.

Viv grinned. "Have you ever been in a dom/sub relationship before?" It was clear to Viv that she hadn't. "In this realm, everything is about the protective territorial possessive male. They see what they want and take what they want. It's not like dating. So we'll do this way. D saw you wanted you took you. Simple as that." Viv explained. "He is the alpha and dominant. He is the boss. When you're in public he says, you do. He says come here you do what he says. When you are in private, you'll still get the dom, they don't change. You don't buy anything when you're with him. He will pay, If he allows you to go out without him. His men will pay for what you want. You will never go alone. People expect Deeton to be boss. He works for Savage Ivanov. Don't question what he does. Don't argue with him. Don't lie. Don't give orders. People don't expect you to do anything. But what Deeton tells you to do. Give them what they want and they'll forget you're there, and you can do what ever you have to do. But, understand, the second you don't do what they expect you to do, they'll see what you're doing." Viv stated, picking up a cloth wrapped tray and put it on the desk. Opening it, she reached for a black jar and unscrewed the top. Dipping a brush into the jar, it came out covered in flakes of metallic goop. "I need you to strip. I'm covering you with this from top to tail, then the magic starts."

Janeway nodes her own head and begins to remove clothes and hands them over Viv lets out “Let us get started”.

"It's going to feel a little different to your normal skin. Just don't touch anything. It will take about twenty minutes for it to base up." Viv answered. "There are seven paint layers, three of crust, two of crumb, two of fill, five of one and a final layer of stick. Once you're done, we start." Viv, started from the top, and began painting Emily's hair.


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