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Kalkarindji - Business

Posted on 2024, Wed Jan 24th, @ 5:43am by Outpost Captain Savage Ivanov
Edited on on 2024, Thu Feb 1st, @ 1:40pm

1,212 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Deck 37
Timeline: Several hours after Savage's arrival

Kalkarindji Outpost
Deck 37 - secured
Secured Auction Area
Level 1 - Admin

Savage Nikolai Ivanov, didn't bother paying attention to the door, he was early, and the only way anybody entered this grouped area of his outpost, was either sedated, dead, or in a cage. He didn't need to look out the large viewing windows to see what was happening on the twelve levels, that made up the Secured Auction Area. Everything was shown on the various wall screens, in the Admin area.

Even though there were still thirty days till Kalkarindji was open for business, that didn't mean business wasn't already taking place. Seventy buyers sat around a bank of large viewing screens, safely watching the lot on their viewers. The area, like everything else on Kalkarindji was built to his requirements. He never liked the open auction arenas. He liked to have the buyers separated from the sellers, and both separated from the lots. People who wanted to do business with him, did it his way, or not at all.

Glancing at the door, when it opened, he nodded to Nordic Volkov, his Protection/Security chief.

"They're in three." Nordic stated. "Weapons removed. She, her and three marines. Cathy is beginning to pace."

"Then, let's get this over with." Savage stated, walking out passed Nordic and down the corridor, across one of the metal access bridges into the meeting area. Stepping through the open door, he offered his hand to the woman who stood, then the woman who sat, ignoring the three men. "I take it you decided to go ahead." It wasn't a question.

"You've made it very clear about the risks." The seated woman answered. "I appreciate what you've done, and the information, but I have to do this. Backstepping to abduct women, girls and babies, bringing them back here and selling them to the highest bidder for the purpose of sex, isn't good. I need to do this. I owe it to Mel, Belinda, and Stef. If I can stop or even slow this, then it hasn't been for nothing."

Savage didn't react, he'd been in this business all his life. He knew how to play the game. She was too green and too emotional.
"You're going in with one of mine." It wasn't open for discussion. "She's well equipped to deal with whatever happens. Stick to her like glue. You're a pair and won't be separated. She tells you to do something, you do it." At her nod, he glanced at Nordic, who slipped his hand around her neck, and guided her to her feet then out the door. "You didn't take it up the chain."

"She was determined to do it, whether I did or not. She knows what doing this means. If I did take it up the chain, they would have stopped her."

"She's dead meat."

"You never......"

"She's dead meat." Savage restated. "If you thought she stood a chance, you would have taken it to Bromley. Instead, you came to an Ivanov." Savage watched the expressions dance across her face. He knew. She knew. Nordic knew. Cathy knew which was why he'd taken extra precautions. But he wasn't passing that information along. "You can watch from here." He indicated the viewing screen which came to life.

There was no hiding the fact that the woman Nordic had led away was scared. The camera's he had installed didn't miss a beat. They could see goosebumps on her skin. They could see the fear on her face. If they'd been on level three of the area, Savage knew they'd be able to smell it as well. She'd been stripped of her clothing, hands secured out of the way, feet spread and was being put into various positions. Nothing was left unhidden. It was clearly apparent that she was new. She was a direct opposite to Cathy. But there were a lot of men who very much wanted a cherry. Women over thirty who hadn't had sex, were not the norm.

Watching the viewing screen, his attention focused on two men, one to his right and the younger to his left. Every time the amount increased, they countered. Several of his bouncers, moved in, when an elder man in the front row, rose to his feet, screaming abuse at the auctioneer, safely encased in the secured transparent cylinder. He stepped from the room, moving to the railing, and gave a slight nod of his head, Savage watched as the bouncers moved the screamer from his seat, the elder man having enough sense to walk with them.

"Do you really think she's dead meat?" The voice was female. Savage knew who it belonged too.

"I'm not in a habit of saying what I don't mean." Savage answered. "You need to learn when to bend, when to sway and when to say no." Savage stated, as he nodded to one of his men, standing a short distance away. Leaving her to be escorted out by his security, he stepped into the glass turbolift, the doors sliding closed behind him. Leaning with his back against the silver bar, he gave the next pair of naked women being guided onto stage no attention at all as the TL began its downward journey.

He needed five minutes alone. Seven minutes later, he stood in his private office, and watched his bride in the quartermaster's office. He didn't bother looking away from the screen. There were only two people who would enter without waiting to be confirmed. One was on the monitor, the other stood behind him.

"Cathy is more than just annoyed. The other spilled who, why, what and the rest." Savage sat and reached for the nearest bottle. Pouring it into two glasses, sliding one across to Nordic. "You're getting soft."

Savage snorted. "Soft is better than old."

Nordic sat and picked up the glass, downing it in one swallow. Indicate he'd have a refill, he sipped this time. "I said you'd come to hate it."

"And I said you couldn't go back."

Nordic ran one hand through his hair. "I don't want to go back. But I'm not the one, with one foot on either side. Your brothers may just object should they find out, their hard nose brother is being paid by both sides."

Savage smiled. "Three people know and two of them are in my office. The third went through the mincer."

Nordic snorted. "You're a hardnosed bastard, you realise that right?"

Savage could have called himself a lot worse, but he didn't. There was little to say. It wasn't the first time he'd sent someone to their death, and it wouldn't be the last. Some people said now was the worst they'd seen, but he knew it wasn't.

Nordic shook his head. "Go rescue, my protection team, before your bride skins them."

Savage glanced at the screen and watched his bride move to stand directly in front of Predator. She was more than pissed. Rising to his feet, he flicked the screens off and headed for the door.

"Maybe you should use Kyaron to get some relaxation, you need to be death when Kalkarindji is declared open in thirty days."

***** Star General Savage Nikolai Ivanov Kalkarindji Owner

Lt Commander Nordic Volkov - Savage's Chief Protection Officer


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