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Starbase 113: Surprises

Posted on 2024, Mon Jan 29th, @ 9:53am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Rear Admiral Ilyce (Pronounced Ice) Collins
Edited on on 2024, Thu Feb 1st, @ 11:42am

1,132 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Attack Of the Cadavera(Starbase 113/Outpost/Townsend)
Location: Starbase 113 Docking Port Seven
Timeline: 4 Hours After Dark Past Are Hidden For a Reason Mission

USS Rogue
Docking Port Seventeen
Starbase 113

Ilyce Collins, stayed seated and out of the way, as the crew of the Rogue went about their business. She'd been notified that she was to report to the Big Office two days ago, while she and her party were enroute. And she'd had two days, four hours sixteen minutes and twenty two seconds, Or fifty two hours sixteen minutes and twenty two seconds to ponder exactly what she had done, this time. Her mind always went to the bad side, when official's become involved. It didn't matter that, to some people she was an official, Official in her brain meant those above her. And when her brain went in that direction, things went arse up.

Reaching out to snag the collar around Wind's neck, as the blue tinged Wolf appeared and started towards the uniformed male approaching, she ran her hand over Wind until he settled, in between her legs. Pointing her finger at Baby, the large black cat, marked with gold lines, she gave Baby the look until she/he also sat. Corralling, the three small animals, two toy poodles and one white cuddly cat with siler/grey patches, she lifted the three onto her lap, as the uniformed man stopped just out of reach of her party.

"Yes, Mr Ainsley." Ilyce started the conversation, as Daisymae settled on her left shoulder, Lime on her right shoulder and Cuddles between her breasts.

"Starbase 113 has just commed and wanted to remind you..."

"To go straight to the command deck and the big office. Thank you Mr Ainsley, we're about to start the next leg of our journey." Ilyce rose to her feet, her smaller animals, adjusting their positions to stay anchored, while Baby and Wind rose, falling in on either side of her. "Anything else Mr Ainsley?"

"No sir. We'll transfer your gear to your quarters."

"Thankyou." Ilyce and her animal party stepped from the Rogue onto the Starbase and headed for the turbo lifts. She stepped from the turbolift or TL, onto the command deck, and the big office. Her new bosses office. A boss she'd never meet. Knocking and entering when she was instructed too, Ilyce stepped into the office, jerking her head out of the way, when one of the flying books narrowly took off her head.

But it wasn't the only item whizzing around. It was one of ten objects and they seemed to be all holding the uniformed officer in place, as they moved around the room.

"Enough." Ilyce's voice didn't rise, but the books thudded to the floor. "I suppose you'd like a thank you since you let me get this far?" She looked at the little red haired boy who was standing on top of the desk, seen only by her.

^I want to go home!^ The child told Ilyce.

"And I told you, you had to wait your turn." Ilyce answered, turning her attention to the person who had now sat. "Ilyce Collins reporting as requested."

Townsend looked at her. "You Alright Commodore?" Townsend stood.

~OOPS!~ She had just reacted. She hadn't thought things through. "Yes, what just happened wasn't a one sided conversation, Sir. Can I ask what you know about Project Eneabba, sir?" She might as well spill the lot. It was polite to wait and see what he knew, but the changed her mind. "Project Eneabba, is a joint undertaking by Starfleet and myself, into missing individuals not only those rom Starfleet and their marines, but families, basically anyone can ask to have any dead or missing individual investigated by Eneabba members. I'm part of it because I communicate with the dead, especially those that can't crossover because there is something stopping them. In most cases it's because their remains haven't been located. Wherever I go, those needing assistance follow. My one way conversation, was with a young boy, who wants to cross, but while we know he was taken from his aunt by his father, we have yet to locate him or his remains. Which means he continues to act out. You were in danger of being book beaten, when I spoke. Most of what I see, when it comes to those who need help can't be seen by 'normal' individuals."

"Interestingly enough, I have never heard of it, But now that I know, Will they cause problems throughout the station? If so, We will need to find you a better posting, if Not, Welcome, I am Admiral Chris Townsend, the Commanding Officer of the USS Halo, the Task Forces Flag ship." Townsend held his hand out to shake the Commodores.

Ilyce ignored Lime who was intent on giving her ear a thorough cleaning. "I'm afraid that we come as a tightly wrapped parcel. Many have tried unsuccessfully to separate them from me. One went as far as trying to kill one of them, but you can't kill what is already dead. No, usually it's only me having a one sided conversation." She shook the Admiral's hand. She didn't bother saying that the more comfortable the waiting became, the more they'd let their presence become known, and people would start to see them move objects. "If you're Halo's CO, then where's 113's CO?" Ilyce asked, having thought she was meeting that individual.

Townsend laughed and stood up and got a coffee from the replicator. "You are, Didn't you know?"

Ilyce's jaw dropped, then closed, then dropped, then closed. She licked her dry lips, and stared at the Admiral. Regaining her composure, she pulled out her PaDD and brought up her transfer orders, rereading them. There was nothing about her being 113's person in charge. She looked at the man behind the desk. "This isn't someone's idea of a joke, right?"

She didn't think so, but had to ask.

"Why would it be a joke Commodore, Your the best we have for the spot at the moment" Townsend walked to the door. "If there are any problems please contact me"

To say she was surprised was an under statement. Ideas of what she could change to make things easier, to fix problems that she knew still happened, but then the image of the station's size, the number of crew, the number of civilians and the number of kids, went strolling through her head, and she wanted to throw up. But she couldn't very well do that.

"Yes sir." That usually did the trick. ~Call him if there are any problems? How about tying him up and stuffing him in a closet, and saying he was never there?~ Ilyce thought. ~Then pulling him out when what she now was, sunk home.~ She wasn't sure how others handled surprises, but she wanted to be sick and her body was still deciding if she would actually puke.


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