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Done Playing Nice

Posted on 2024, Wed Jan 31st, @ 10:44am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Aubrie Fox & Captain Mark White & Captain Maddison Black & Captain John Fitzgerald & Lieutenant Teresina Waylin

2,341 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: New Romulus, Crime Scene
Timeline: Current

Previous On Task Force Guardian

“I Don’t Know, And Do Not Care, Just get this Job over with and get out of Romulan Space, and take the Killer with you, We have enough nonsense as it is.” The Commander said as he went to turn around, But Chris had enough, He grabbed the Commanders right arm, Pinned in behind his back and face planted the Romulan Commander in the desk. As this was happening the other Romulan MPs went to pull their Pistols, But Fox and Zach were quicker, Fox grabbed the 1st Romulans Arm and pulled him to trip over her foot and face planted him to the ground and pinned him there, Zach just pinned his against the wall “Try it, I dare you” Aubrie said her Romulan who seemed shocked as hell.

Then Chris began, He had had enough of this Stupid Commander, Who needed to be into his place. “Do I look like a Non-sense to you stupid fuck,Tell us what the fuck you know, Cause you know something that your not supposed to know, and Also lose the fuckin attitude, Before I knock it out of you, So Now Answer my Damn question or your going to the Brig for obstruction of Justice”


The Romulan seemed to be at a loss for words as he struggled to speak while lying face-first on the table. His stuttering and stammering only added to the tension in the room, which was already palpable. Townsend, who had been dealing with the Romulan for some time now, could hardly contain his anger any longer. He had reached his limit with the Romulan's troublesome behavior and was ready to take action.

Mad didn't show her amusement. It seemed the Admiral had balls, but it took a while for them to drop. She began signing her sleeve picking up her signs and translating them to verbal. "Admiral, it would appear that whom ever is responsible has associates and has them well under their control. Some of the expressions that we are getting are revealing that they are more afraid of that element, then of Starfleet. I am, therefore suggesting, that this away mission, be turned on it's head and we do whatever is necessary to make it plainly clear, cooperate or occupy a body bag. Since their medical means, are not as ours are. Killing or skinning a few should push the point. I would also request the immediate beam back of not only the weapons that were beamed away, but an upgrade of our numbers. I'm also requesting the removal of anyone who has an association with those here. We have no proof that elements of our own are not involved. In order to validate the issue, removing anyone with an association link, should make it clear. It is in my opinion, that what has been undertaken here, is beyond the mental capacity of anyone not of like mind. Those here are not trained to the level of undertaking such activities." The lazy arse manner of the MP's had made that apparent. Mad was fed up with the games, she knew what keeping silent could cost. And she no longer would do that, she owed that to the crew of the Yackandrah.

She was interrupted by the Halo contacting them. Townsend tapped his comm badge. =/\=Townsend=/\=

=/\=Sir We are picking up 4 Starfleet ships coming in at High Warp, they are 10 minutes out, Halo Out=/\=

As Townsend scanned the faces of his officers, he asked, "Did any of you call for them?" It was imperative to get to the bottom of the situation quickly so that they could take appropriate actions. Every moment counted, and Townsend knew that his officers were equally committed to the cause. He hoped that someone would step forward with an answer.

"No Sir." Mad's sleeve replied. Though she wouldn't be surprised if the security chief had. He seemed to keep things close to his chest. "The situation had not yet crossed that line." Mad had learnt that, it didn't pay to wait to the last minute. It took away your advantage. It was far better to do it, before it reached that point. She'd also learnt that she saw things differently than others, therefore she did what she knew she had to do. If that meant applying a little boot, then she'd apply it. She hadn't expected these events to happen, and if she was honest, she'd been thrown into the deep end. As soon as they mentioned the executive officer on a Starfleet vessel, everything had gone loopy. She now realised that, she had to be herself, good, bad or ugly.

A new transmission abruptly interrupted the silence on board the Halo. "Admiral," the voice of the communication officer rang through the speakers, "we have just picked up 5 incoming ships at high warp speed. Our Space Guard vessels have already raised their shields and are now assuming a defense posture in anticipation of the potential threat."

Townsend released his grip on the Romulan and tapped his communication badge with a sense of urgency. "Understood. Prepare to beam the team up," he said, his tone crisp and authoritative. He then shifted his attention to Rose, his eyes locking onto hers. "Alright, you want to find out what's going on with your captain?" he asked, his expression a mix of concern and determination.

Mad didn't really care what anyone thought, least of all someone outside their team. Hands flying into sign, she barely slowed as the sleeve began to verbalise. "Advise the Halo go red." Mad's sleeve had translated her words directly without making it flow. They couldn't beam as quickly as someone simply pressing a console. =/\= Black to Halo. Notify damage control. Incoming.=/\= Mad barely waited for confirmation before pulling items from her tool belts, and beginning to assemble them. She didn't know if either the Admiral or the security chief knew how to use the old projectile weapon, but they were among her back up supplies, thrusting one into the two men's hands, she started assembling her choice of weapon, slipping it through her toolbelt before returning to sign. "Each have fifteen shots. Aim to kill. She lock on target, pull trigger." She being the gun. In these situations she didn't trust the hostile element not to have tampered with systems to insure the modern day weapons were able to fire.

Fitz took the firearm, pulled the charging handle back and cocked the weapon. "Always wanted to use a real one." He said, taking cover.

Fitzgerald moved around to cover the Admiral, he motioned to Fox and spark to take up flanking positions on either side of the door way that led to the street. Tapping his communicator badge, he said "Fitzgerald to Halo, do you have a transporter lock on the away team?"

=/\=Yes commander, Preparing to beam you up now=/\=

In just a matter of minutes, the team was swiftly transported to the magnificent Halo. The sudden flash of light and the feeling of weightlessness were a bit disorienting at first, but as soon as the team members regained their bearings, they were awestruck by the breathtaking view of the massive structure before them. The intricate details of the Halo's architecture, the seemingly endless expanse of its metallic surface, and the faint hum of its energy field all left the team members in complete amazement.


Mad slid the arrows into the mini crossbow, tracing the different patterns on their sides, knowing what each one was. She'd survived this long; she wasn't intending to die on some back water hell hole. There was something not right about this whole thing. It had all been too easy. And that didn't sit well. She didn't know what was going on with the woman and the native. The woman's mannerisms told her, she honestly believed what the male said. Her actions were normal, they had none of the tells that gave away lies. Either she was being controlled or it had gone over her head. Mad considered what had happened and was more closer to the later.

USS Halo NCC-85053

As the temporary chief engineer was sitting in his office, he heard the deafening wail of the red alert siren. His heart started racing as he quickly glanced at the computer screen to see what was happening. The readout indicated that there was some kind of emergency situation that needed his immediate attention.

Without wasting any time, he turned to Lt. Waylin, who was sitting across from him, and said, "Get ready, we might need damage control." He knew that time was of the essence and that they needed to act quickly to prevent any potential disaster.

~Now this she could do.~ =/\= DCE people, report to DCE 1 and make sure you're rigged for everything.=/\= Giving the chief engineer one quick look, she stepped towards the door. "I'll advise as we go, sir" Leaving the office she almost ploughed in to two of hers. Barely glancing at their attire, she shook her head. Moving out and leaving them to follow. "What did I say Williams?" There was no stutter, there was no panic. She made them keep up with her.

"Look here Walin...."
"Take a good look at my rank sunshine, she turned around and stepped closer to him. "You're a wasted space. You're too fucking big, chances of you being helpful are nil. Chances of you getting stuck are high. Now, if you're not in 1, dressed in a DCE suit, complete with back pack, helmet and at least three tool belts, you'll be moved out of Damage and into maintenance. I'm in charge of DCE. Yes, I've got tits and piss sitting down, if you aren't of use to me, then you're gone. So. Move. Your. Tight Little Arse."

Walker grinned and slapped the other man on the shoulder. "You heard the mistress. Move that tight little arse."

"I know what I'd like to do to someone's little arse." Williams answered softly. "Who the hell does damage in a suit?" He had trouble at the best of times, because of his size. Add a suit and he was going to struggle. He thought damage would be a way to get out of working. It seemed he was wrong.

Striding into DCE 1, which actually was a tiny room where all the members of the three damage control teams worked, Teresina Waylin eyed the lot. She was the odd one out. Every other DCE was male. She was smaller then the others. That gave her the advantage.

"If you're not in a suit and loaded for everything to go wrong, then you're a waste of space and a useless turd. So move your flabby arses, your free ride stops here. Black, that's our new XO has called us in. So, I want team 1, at the bow on the lowest deck. 3 at the arse end on the top deck. 2 in the middle of the ship on the dead middle deck. Carpenter and Franks with me, we'll rove and deal with the shit. From now, you take orders from me. I see anyone of you licking someone else's arse you won't like where I hang your nuts. If you're not in a DCE suit with at least three tool belts full of equipment, then you're scrubbing dunnies. MOVE!"

"Damn, and I had you pegged over my knee with a red arse." Walker lowered his voice. "I'm gonna have to cancel my transfer request, boss. Damage just got real nice looking."

"Out of the blue came a kill-crazy crew
Whose motto was stomp on the weak
With bones in their hair
They was hungry as bears
And their leader was King of the freaks
They was... Space Pirates
The lowest scum of the yellow sun
They was... Space Pirates
Sack a galaxy just for fun." Sin sang loud, grinning at the expression on Walker's face. She knew the words to a lot of songs, but she couldn't hold a tune. They'd soon learn though. Leaving Carpenter and Franks to follow, she continued to sing.

"Well now, out of the blue came this wolf pack who knew
That the name of the game was to hate
Perverts and pimps followed one-legged gimps
They was bow legged bastards of fate
They was... Space Pirates
Skulls lie white on the martian sands
They was... Space Pirates
Empires ransom in their hands."

Meanwhile USS Kilo NCC-85054 10 Minutes Out From New Romulus

Captain Mark White, a veteran officer of the United Federation of Planets, sat on the bridge of the Odyssey-class starship, his mind focused on the mission ahead. The Odyssey was one of four vessels that had been deployed to assist the Halo, who were engaged in a critical operation in the heart of the Romulan Free States.

As he looked around the bridge, Mark felt a sense of pride and responsibility. The Odyssey was a state-of-the-art ship, equipped with the latest technology and weaponry. It was designed for long-range exploration and combat, and its crew was among the best in Starfleet.

Mark turned his attention to the tactical display, studying the positions and movements of the allied ships. He knew that the Kane and Ward were Steamrunner-class vessels, known for their impressive speed and firepower. But the Tika was a Consution Class Mark III which was really only a Patrol vessel, and he also knew that they were up against a formidable enemy, and that anything could happen in the heat of battle.

With a sense of urgency, Mark stood up and addressed the Helm officer. "Helm, ETA till we arrive?" The officer, a young Ensign, replied promptly. "Estimated time of arrival is ten minutes, Sir."

Mark nodded, his expression serious. He knew that the next few hours would be crucial, and that the fate of the mission, and perhaps the entire quadrant, rested in the hands of him and his crew.


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