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Be Ready

Posted on 2024, Mon Jan 22nd, @ 2:56pm by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Commodore Emily Janeway

822 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Ready Room 1-Star Base 1
Timeline: 10 Minutes Before Kilo Heads to Pick up White

=/\=Lovell to Janeway, Report to Ready Room 1=/\=

=/\=Janeway to Lovell, I’m on my way towards Ready Room1=/\=Janeway out

=/\=Understood=/\= Lovell said as he tapped his comm badge to cut the comm channel.

Janeway arrived at the Starbase command center, walking down the stairs towards Ready Room 1 to meet with Lovell shortly after searching through the department’s office space at Starbase 1. Janeway finally arrived at Lovell’s office as she pressed the button to ring the doorbell for entering.

"Enter." Lovell stood to meet the General

Janeway entered the room. “you have requested to see me, sir?” asked Janeway, standing patiently waiting for Lovell to respond to her question when she was required to report to Readyroom1.

"Yes, I did; please sit."

Janeway sits down in the chair next to the Office desk sitting across from Lovell. Janeway waited as she sat there patiently for the Fleet Admiral to speak to her.

"I want to ask you, How ready would you be if I sent you into an Undercover spot?" Lovell asked as the room went into a Lock Down Secure room.

Janeway appeared composed as she responded with, “Yes, sir. What do you require of me?" anticipating that there might be some future events that would require her attention.

"Do you speak Cardassian?" Lovell asked.

Janeway said, “I would like to be honest with you that I am not old me
familiarized with the Cardassian language, she
Although I’m pretty confident I’ll be able to comprehend it in preparation for the upcoming mission assignment, Janeway said as she waited for Lovell's answer.

"Well, You're heading to Cardassia; we have reports of a Theft who has Info stolen from Starfleet; once you arrive, You will get more info."

Janeway thoroughly listened to Lo, vell with “I Understand, Sir.” she gestured a no,d of her head and questioned Lovell. “ I'm also to be going to Cardassia alone?”

"For now, I have an idea of who can come and help, But it will be a while till then, so are you up to the task?"

Janeway says “Yes sir I am up for the task “ “what will be my duty assignment for the meantime until we’re inclined ?”

"Your heading out in two hours, Be ready, I will have someone bring you the info, You will be going under a different name"
“Aye Admiral” Janeway stood up from the desk chair and will be I needed to go through the physical blend in the Cardassian people and their family background? She asked before leaving the office.

"Yes, But Intelligence Unit will get you ready" Lovell stood and walked with Janeway to the shuttle bay. "Admiral Secura will meet with you before you are taken to Star Base 113, I will be coming with you, the Star Base got an XO, But has been bumped up to the CO, and dose not know, so I need to talk with them.

Janeway follows on walking with Lovell paying attention to the conversation about where she is to be going to be doing undercover mission she turned her head spoke out with saying “you know that I like to keep up with the latest updates for my mission job”. “Regarding when I am to be ready to go.” the correspondence with messages from the departments in the future of the mission.” she kept on walking to the transportation docking bay.

"Yes, From Experience all the Janeways like to be ready, So listen to this, Your mission is of great importance, It will decide what Starfleet dose over the next 3 years, You understand this right?"

Janeway was clearly trying to make sense of the importance of the mission she is on since has to do within the hereafter of a significant role in Starfleet's future own 3 years history “ I have comprehended the importance of this secret mission, which is why did you appointed me my rank as to Brigadier General?” she as keeping up with walking towards the transportation terminal Bay.

"That wasn't me, it was a Request from your Mother" Lovell stated

Janeway said “Interestingly let me know if you have more information about this.” she continued walking.

Lovell stopped and pulled Janeway aside. "It was a Pre-Programmed Message, She knew you were best at what you did, So she wanted the best...Anything else?"

Janeway “ I have nothing more else to say as everything will be answered in time would present its own time “. She says

They then finally made it to the shuttle bay and the shuttle then started to leave once they were inside

Then the Pilot spoke. "Okay, Passengers, This is Lt. Jake, We are now en route to Star Base 113, Then a Quick stop by the Outpost."

Janeway was sitting silently inside the shuttle and was carrying on her own shoulders a private duffel bag and backpack items that she would be able to use on the mission.


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