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Posted on 2024, Fri Jan 5th, @ 11:27am by Captain Mark White
Edited on on 2024, Thu Jan 25th, @ 1:47pm

278 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Star Base 1, Captain Mark White Office
Timeline: While Halo is At New Romulus

Mark was sitting at his desk, surrounded by stacks of paperwork, waiting for the Halo to return. The ship had been gone for four hours, and the absence of the vessel or the Flag Officer made it hard for Mark to focus on his work. As he sat there, lost in thought, the sound of his computer alerted him to a message from Star Fleet.

Mark's eyes widened as he quickly sat upright and clicked to receive the message. A Star Fleet Admiral appeared on the screen, her uniform crisp and polished. "Captain White, this is Admiral Secura. The Halo's mission has evolved into something much larger than we initially anticipated. The Killer has been identified as a Star Fleet officer, but we currently do not know his name. The USS Kilo is on its way to pick you up and take you to New Romulus. The Klingons have been alerted and are sending four ships to investigate New Romulus, but the Kilo will arrive first. To assist you, we have diverted the USS Tika, Kane, and Ward. The Kilo is an Odyssey-class ship, Tika is a Constitution Refit III, and Kane and Ward are Steamrunner class. These ships should be sufficient to prevent any issues. However, Command believes the officer may be attempting to trigger a galactic war, which we cannot afford. Your mission is to assist the Halo. Do you understand?"

Mark was taken aback by the news, but he responded with a firm voice, "Yes Admiral."

The Admiral nodded and disappeared from the screen. White quickly stood up and began to prepare for the mission, his mind racing with the possibilities of what could happen.


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