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Frontier Day-- Lieutenant Commander John Fitzgerald

Posted on 2024, Thu Jan 4th, @ 2:39am by Captain John Fitzgerald

775 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Frontiers Day
Location: Klingon Border, USS Explorer
Timeline: Frontier day

Fitzgerald had woken up early that morning. It was one of his favorite holidays, Frontier Day. The ceremonies had been set to start that afternoon. any off duty crew were going to gather in Ten Forward to watch the transmission from Admiral Shelby for The Enterprise's decommissioning. Since he was off duty, he was looking forward to joining his shipmates in the festivities. He went for his run, as per usual, and after he went back to his quarters for his morning Coffee. Normally, he would've gone to the holodeck to continue in one of his famous detective stories, but today, he figured he'd take it easy, he went to the shelf, and pulled out an actual physical book. It was the Complete Sherlock Holmes. He began reading and sat for a while. He read until the Transmission was set to start and made his way to Ten forward.

"Hey Fitz, over here!" Called out a feminine voice, it was one of his security officers, Lieutenant Cassandra Blake. He made his way to the table, where she, and her friend from Astrometrics, Ensign James Stryker and ordered a drink from the bar.

"Blake, Stryker, are you as Excited as I am for this?" Fitz asked

"You bet, it's the one thing I've been looking forward to all week." Stryker said.

"I for one can't believe they're decommissioning Enterprise, I always thought I'd have a chance to serve on her. Think there'll be another one?" Blake said

"Plenty of letters left in the Alphabet." Fitz Replied, then the image on one of the viewsreens came on, with the image of Space dock. "It's starting."

=/\= "Spacedock, this is NCC-1701-F ready for ceremonial departure. Admiral Shelby in command." =/\=

=/\= "Copy that, Enterprise. You are cleared for departure. Happy Frontier day." =/\=

The doors opened, and the Odyssey-class Enterprise-F sailed out of Spacedock, accompanied by fireworks. Everyone in the bar began applauding.

=/\= "250 years ago today, the Enterprise NX-01, the first warp five capable vessel to be constructed by Human hands, made its maiden voyage. With it, a crew of 83 souls embarked on a journey. One of bravery, perseverance, and sacrifice that would lead to the birth of what we know today as Starfleet." =/\=

The speech was met with more applause.

=/\= "A quarter millenium after the NX-01 took that first vital step, we gather on Frontier Day to take another. As we demonstrate our newest advancement, Fleet Formation Mode. Synchronistic technology that allows every ship in Starfleet to operate as one."=/\=

On a second viewscreen, the crew could see the ships line up for Fleet Formation.

=/\= "An impenetrable armada. Unity and defense. The ultimate safeguard. In case of the unthinkable, fleetwide incapacitation, this system will protect our crews and our continued exploration of what still remains... our final frontier. On the precipice of the decommissioning of the Enterprise F, here is a look at some of Starfleet's most prestigious ships..."=/\=

The ships moved into the shape of the Starfleet Delta, it was an impressive sight to say the least.

=/\="Our next demonstration is the summation of decades of technological advancements..."=/\= She was cut off by another Transmission, It sounded like Admiral Picard.

=/\="This is Admiral Jean-Luc Picard. I come to you with a warning! Changeling infiltration of Starfleet has made us vulnerable to our greatest enemy... the Borg!=/\=

"What the hell, the Borg?" Stryker said, "Nobody's seen them for at least 20 years!"

"Has Picard finally gone senile?" Blake asked. Picard Continued.

=/\="Admiral Shelby, I know this message may seem desperate, even impossible, but you must trust us. I hope you can see-"=/\= Picard was cutoff and the screen went black.

"All senior officers report to the bridge, Red Alert all hands to Battle Stations!" Came the voice Of Captain Geoffries from the bridge. Fitz suddenly shot out of Ten Forward and got into the nearest turbolift and made his way to the bridge. He arrived just in time to hear the captain give the order to proceed to Earth at Maximum Warp. Fitz knew that even at top speed, they would arrive within at least six hours.

When they arrived at Earth the battle was already over. The sight reminded him of his History lesson from Wolf 359. The ships, debris, and bodies littered the viewscreen. Fitz could only imagine the pain and suffering all had endured. Then Fitz caught a glimpse of two ships, side by side. An older Galaxy Class and one of the new Neo-Constitution Classes. He looked at his readings, the transponders identified them as the USS Titan-A, and....

He couldn't his eyes, the USS Enterprise-D. He began to speculate what the famous relic would be doing here....


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