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Frontiers Day---Commander Chris Townsend

Posted on 2023, Tue Dec 19th, @ 9:12am by Admiral Christopher Townsend
Edited on on 2023, Tue Dec 19th, @ 9:13am

3,352 words; about a 17 minute read

Mission: Frontiers Day
Location: USS Hanes
Timeline: Frontiers Day---April 16, 2401

Chris stood in front of the Mirror. Looking at his reflection Today is the day, Frontiers Day This is the day he had been waiting for, The day where A Big Fleet assembled in Honor Of Star Fleet and Why it was formed. The Comm badge then beeped. He grabbed it and quickly put it to his chest and answered.


=/\="Townsend report to the Bridge, We are 5 minutes Out From Earth Bridge Out"=/\=

Townsend did a quick look in the mirror again and moved to leave his quarters. He sent a quick Message to Kate who was on Earth with Katie at her grandparents to watch the celebration.

Dear Kate, We are at Earth now, Can't wait to see you tonight, Love you—Chris

He quickly sent it and made his way to the bridge.

4 Minutes Later

| USS Hanes | Bridge | Deck 1 |

Commander Townsend walked onto the Bridge of the Sovereign Class star ship and moved to circle the bridge and its stations doing a once over before heading to his Seat.

"Commander Townsend, Hows the stations looking?" Asked the Captain. As he sat down. Townsend looked to the Captain as the crew he had just did a quick take off looked to him.

"Ready for the Celebration Sir, We will be ready to show off whatever they have in store for us" The Captain nodded at his response.

"Good Commander..." Helm then gave the 1 min warning. The Captain tapped a button on his chair and opened the Inter ship comm to the Entire ship. "Attention Crew, This is Captain Paul, We are arriving at Earth in 1 minute, We are about to be apart of History, History started Over 250 Years ago today, As we all know this will be the Enterprise F's Last Flight as well, and we all know how good of a ship she was when we did a joint mission with her last year, So lets us pay our respect to the possibly last ship named enterprise. Paul Out." As he said this the view screen shifted from stars to show Earth and Star Base 1 with tons of other ships gathering.

"Sir, I am picking up over 100 Ships, Man they really did mean half the fleet Captain, There's even the Excelsior! She was supposed to be on her way to the Outer rim." The Helm officer finished with excitement.

Townsend looked to the Helmsman with a smile. "Don't get too excited or you'll fall out of your chair Ensign" This made the Captain and the rest of the bridge crew laugh.

"Captain, We have been ordered to group with Alpha, We are to Be one of the Lead Ships escorting the Enterprise, Besides the Discovery" The Comm officer said.

"You Heard them helm, Set course for Our Location, and Stand by" ordered Chris. The Captain seemed to have an idea of what the new tech was, It was supposed to be some type of fleet sync tech that was to help save our crews and ships in case of Fleet Wide incapacitation. incapacitation Chris didn't like the way they said FLEET WIDE incapacitation, That would be bad for Star Fleet if that happened.

As the ship moved into Position Chris stood and wanted to make another go around, They had 5 New Bridge Officers assigned to them over the last 5 Months. All Under the age of 25, Some were not yet veterans but close to being called them. He did a quick looked around. He also noticed there a minor mishap at the ops station who was maned by a fresh out of the academy Ensign. Chris leaned over her shoulder. "Ensign, Let me fix this for you, Here watch, I tend to do this too, So it's not just you," He did a quick fix of the system's overlay power, and looked at the Ensign. Who nodded at him with an Appreciated look. Chris then walked to stand in front of the View screen. The Captain saw this. and spoke to Chris.

"Everything Okay Commander?" The Captain asked. The Commander turned and walked back to his seat.

"No Not at Captain, Just can't believe it's been over 250 years ago today, Star Fleet was founded." The Captain smiled at Townsend

"Trust me son, you're not the only one Feeling it" The Captain replied as he turned his view to the Screen. Then comms spoke.

"Sir, I am having to reboot the system, Comms are down, Will be back up within a few minutes, We can receive comms, But can't send any out, Only Text"

"Copy that, Get those back up fast, We might need them" the Captain replied.

8 Minutes Later

"Captain, Spacedock is on an open channel for a final ready check" Comms replied. The Captain nodded.

USS Hanes Ready

"Captain Jim Paul of the USS Hanes, ready and standing by." The Captain said to the comm officer who then typed the reply.

The comms were still open, but for now they were a one way channel. A broadcast channel. At first it was the Federation anthem playing, the full song. That was then followed by fireworks igniting around the ships and Spacedock, and Chris had to adjust himself in his chair, as they looked at the doors of Spacedock. From there, they could hear the broadcast from the bridge.

=/\= "Spacedock, this is NCC-1701-F ready for ceremonial departure. Admiral Shelby in command." =/\=

=/\= "Copy that, Enterprise. You are cleared for departure. Happy Frontier day." =/\=

The doors opened, and the Odyssey-class USS Enterprise-F slowly sailed out of Spacedock, and immediately started its round around it. Chris couldn't help but smirk as the ship sailed out, looking surprisingly whole, He always had a love for the odyssey class star ship.

Chris turned to the bridge crew. "All Right people, Here we go"

Admiral Shelby finally came through, and their view screen changed to show the Admiral in the Captain's chair on the otherwise huge bridge of the Odyssey class. Her words were preceded with the standard whistle indicating an all-comm message from the command officer.

=/\= "250 years ago today, the Enterprise NX-01, the first warp five capable vessel to be constructed by Human hands, made its maiden voyage. With it, a crew of 83 souls embarked on a journey. One of bravery, perseverance, and sacrifice that would lead to the birth of what we know today as Starfleet." =/\=

They waited as the Enterprise F finished its circle of spacedock, and Chris nodded to the helm. "Alright, that's our cue. Take a flanking escort position. Lt. Kilo, Check on that Fleet Formation please" Chris ordered. Paul sat back and let his XO do the work, He hadn’t told chris this was his last year before retiring and Chris would then take the CO spot here on the Hanes.

=/\= "A quarter millenium after the NX-01 took that first vital step, we gather on Frontier Day to take another. As we demonstrate our newest advancement, Fleet Formation Mode." =/\=

=/\= "USS Hanes, synchronization online." =/\= Jim typed up as he hit the fleet comm while he confirmed that his ship was ready. As soon as he closed the text channel he crossed his arms and waited.

"Chris what do you think of the new tech?" Paul asked Chris

"I Don't know , It might have a human flaw somewhere"

Paul nodded and went back to watching the Celebration.

=/\= "Synchronistic technology that allows every ship in Starfleet to operate as one." =/\=

There was a lurch as the ship's helm controls were suspended and the ship was now moving under formation control. Chris looked down at his chair and tried to tap on the all comm. As did the Captain Even that no longer worked.

Yep, I already hate it Chris thought

=/\= "An impenetrable armada. Unity and defense. The ultimate safeguard. In case of the unthinkable, fleetwide incapacitation, this system will protect our crews and our continued exploration of what still remains... our final frontier." =/\=

Yea thats what we thought at Worf 359

=/\= "On the precipice of the decommissioning of the Enterprise F, here is a look at some of Starfleet's most prestigious ships..."

Now Paul felt sorry for Discovery's Captain, The Prometheus Class was one of the few old ships here besides the Hanes, Which was a Sovereign class .

The Fleet moved to form up with the rest. A Star Fleet Delta, what a convenience Chris thought.

=/\="Our next demonstration is the summation of decades of technological advancements..."=/\=

The fleet was just about in position, and the ships all moved at once, sailing from point alpha towards the Spacedock for a Fleet formation flyover. There was nothing anyone could do, except watch the viewscreen, or watch the data coming in from the stations. The displays were still active, just the controls were locked. Which was good, since the ops Console suddenly beeped an alert... a proximity alert. A ship was just warping in. Once the signal was confirmed, Townsend stood up and moved to ops.

As Townsend saw this he was confused. "Sir Its the Titan"

Paul looked worried now. The Titan was a Wanted ship...Why would Captain Doing?!?!

"Captain, there is a hail coming from the Titan on all channels. All emergency channels." spoke the Comms Officer just as it came through.

=/\="This is Admiral Jean-Luc Picard. I come to you with a warning!"=/\=

Townsend looked up fast. "This ain't gonna be good" Townsend moved to sit back in his chair and tried to get some type of override code to check comms.

=/\="Changeling infiltration of Starfleet has made us vulnerable to our greatest enemy... the Borg!"=/\=

What the Hell!?!?!

Jim stood stunned. Shelby on screen seemed to be doing a private transmission on her chair, leaving the rest of the fleet to hear the other activity on the Enterprise's bridge. He shook his head, but then Shelby decided to do something unexpected... listen to him.

=/\="Admiral Shelby, I know this message may seem desperate, even impossible, but you must trust us. I hope you can see-"=/\=

The message finally cut off as the Titan locked out its own comms and joined the fleet formation. Shelby looked like she was trying to allow Titan to transmit again when even the viewscreen cut out, with a message that communications were lost.

"We Lost them, Trying to..." Townsend was cut off by the sudden, loud shrill tone seemed to echo through the ship, catching him completely off guard. It lasted for what seemed like hours, but was only seconds, before it seemed to fade to a less shrill but consistent tone. The science station put up a notification of a massive energy spike coming from far in the solar system... and by pure luck it seemed to be emanating from the direction of Jupiter, but without being able to access sensor controls it was only an alert reading.

Paul took a step forward when the tone changed pitch again, and the screens around them flickered with faint shapes of green.

Townsend looked to the comm officer and stopped. Where the red blood veins should have been, Showed Black. "Ensign...." Then A Phaser shot sounded. And Chris turned to the Captain who was falling to the floor holding his gut. Chris quickly looked to see the Helm officer holding a Phaser and now aiming to shoot him, But he too fell to the ground as Commander Haley, The Ships Chief Sec/Tac officer shot him with a low stun. Chris grabbed the captain by the shoulders and started to drag him as the Commander and Two Lt.s welding Phasers watched as More Bridge Officers grabbed weapons and started to take aim at the Other Officers. "Stay with me Captain" Chris said to the Captain who seemed to be passing out. Finally the Turbo lift door opened and they all jumped inside they all fired hitting the Doors instead of them. As the doors slid shut he watched Admiral Shelby take two shots to the lower torso. Then the screen switched to black.

The Commander tried to save the Captain...But it was too late. "Commander, Your In Charge, What do we do?" Asked Commander Haley. Townsend stood. "We Need to find anyone whos not been taken, I know of a secret weapons locker, We will get some weapons and try to find a plan" The Commander nodded.

"Yes Sir, You heard him Lt.s Lets move" The Commander Took the lead as they left the Lift. After going about 50 feet Townsend unlocked the weapons locker and armed himself with 2 Pistols and a rifle, He only needed one, But grabbed the two pistols for others. They had come across 4 Crewmen so far, All from Medical.

They had not met others. But quite a few bodys. The Borg are back, And killing the Non-Assimilated "Commander, We will try to make it to the Shuttle bay, We will then go from there."

"Yes...SIR!" Haley pointed down the hall. Townsend looked ahead to see a group of assimilated Officers carrying Phasers heading their way. Townsend fired off two shots as did Haley, all low yield. They didn't even miss a beat. "DAMN IT! They adapted! High Yield, DO not set to KILL and that's an Order" They all quickly set theirs to High yield And fired, Dropping 6 officers and then the last two finally fell to the ground. As they passed them Townsend said to his group. "Toss their weapons down the trash shut there...That will give us some time" After disposing of the weapons the group continued their way to the Shuttle bay, By the time they got to the last stretch they had picked up 6 Additional Members.

"Alright People, This is our last.." He was cut off as a Phaser scorched across his left arm. As Townsend fell, dropping his Rifle, Haley caught him and dragged him to cover, All while the others returned and gave some cover fire. Then after realizing what the drones had done a Lt. Spoke "Commander! They have us blocked, We are not going to make it"

Chris who was quickly given some pain medicine started to think. They couldn't use the turbo lift, Nor the Jeffery tubes...There was only one choice. "Set..All Phasers to...Kill" He replied with a weakening voice. Haley looked to the other Officers. "You heard him, All Phasers to Kill....We need to Get to the shuttles, Fire on my command....Now!" The Officers armed all went around the corner and fired till they were the only ones standing, 2 Were injured, but not as bad as Chris. They then picked Chris up and moved as a group to the Shuttle bay. "Quick! Shuttle 4 Is Medical We can fix Townsend up there, And 5 can be for the others" Townsend gave the Override code for the Group taking shuttle 5, He himself overridden the 4th codes. The Commander quickly hopped into the shuttle's pilot seat. "Commander, Where are we going?" The Medical officers started to do a quick temporary fix, so Chris could walk and still fire a weapon. "The Star Base, Open the Channel" Then he could hear other Captains, Still alive calling out for help, saying all their younger officers were attacking. Then the star bases control officer spoke.

=/\="Control to Shuttle 4-Hanes! We Read You! Whats your Location!"=/\=

Townsend sat up a bit. =/\="Control, this is Commander Chris Townsend, First Officer, USS Hanes, We got my shuttle and Shuttle 5 en route to you now, Be prepared to help"=/\=

=/\="Understood Commander, We are cornered here on the Control Bridge, and We managed to Take shuttle bays 2,6, Your going to be directed to Shuttle Bay 6, When you get there meet with Captain Tuvok"=/\=

Then the line was cut.

"Well theres our plan, Now dodge all the Phaser fire, and get us to shuttle bay 6, Send the message to shuttle 5 that we are all heading for shuttle bay 6, And Override all the shuttles so if anyone dose make it here they can escape."

Haley nodded to the Commander. "Already done Sir, Now hang on, This is gonna be a bumpy ride."

The Shuttle Shuttle powered to full and both shuttles shot out from the Ship and raced to the Star Base. They also picked up the ID Code of a Federation ship warping into the system around Jupiter But they were distracted by a blast that hit close to the shuttle. They barely made it, But they did, As Townsend was helped out of the shuttle, the station rocked as another salvo of weapons hit the station. Captain Tuvok walked over to them quickly. "Commander Townsend, I am sorry for the loss of Captain Paul, He was a great officer" Then Tuvok handed Chris a Rifle he was carrying. "If you can, lead a team to Engineering" He then quickly took off.

"Well, Lets get to Engineering then" Haley nodded and readied his rifle as did the other Sec/Tac Officers. But before they could A Dozen officers, Not with black veins, like the ones on the Hanes, Started to fire at the other officers, Then Captain Tuvok...Started to change...and He was Riker!

Changelings!! Chris thought angrily

"Fall Back! Take Cover!" Chris yelled as a Plasma grenade landed 4 feet away from where he and Haley stood, Townsend tried to move to take cover but was too late, The Grenade blew up, Ripping through his uniform. Townsend slowly got up and looked for anyone. He saw Commander Haley laying near him, Chris crawled over. "Commander! You Good!?" As Chris touched his arm, Haley's body rolled over to show his a bloody spot right where his heart was to be, Chris quickly checked for a pulse...None. Damn It! Chris quickly grabbed his rifle . But as he did another grenade landed near the shuttle. Chris quickly went to grab it but it went off, Blowing him farther back. Stupid Mother Fuckers! Chris screamed in his head. He moved to take cover behind the shuttle where 5 others had also followed suit. They all looked to him because the highest ranking officer besides Chris was a Chief Petty Officer. Oh Sweet Jesus!

Chris looked at the group. "Do you all have weapons?" They all nodded. "Good, You see that shuttle? We are gonna bolt for that shuttle and get the hell out of this station." Just as he said this the station's main power cut as the Fleet disabled the station. "DAMN IT! Make it Quick!" Townsend stood and began to fire at the Officers. The Chief Petty Officer quickly motioned for the others to go, Who quickly took off to the shuttle. Finally once everyone was on, Chris bolted and hopped on just as the door shut. The shuttle then shot away from the station. Then a commotion and phaser fire. Chris turned to see a Borg-Ensign trying to kill other officers, Chris tackled him, knocking the phaser away, Just as Chris went to trying to push him away as the Drone tried to reach for Chris's neck, The Drone stopped, As did the Fleet. "Petty Officer, What's going on?" Chris asked. Then the Black Veins started to fade away. Then the Ensign looked scared. "...What...Happened..." The Petty Officer then spoke. "Sir It's Over!!..Commander Picking up the USS Enterprise...NCC-1701....D!!" Chris couldn't believe it.. Chris had visited the Enterprise D at the Museum for a Final Project when at the academy! "Officer, Take us to Earth...We Need to get some medical attention, And Need to get in touch with a Senior Officer, I will personally Get you upgraded to a Rank of a Officer, You all will, You did good." Chris started to laugh. They had made it, He lost quite a few fellow officers today, But he will remember them with honor.


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