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Can I have a chance to talk with you?

Posted on 2023, Mon Dec 18th, @ 11:01pm by Commodore Emily Janeway & Lieutenant Rose Andrake

1,260 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Crew members-living quarters
Timeline: Current

Emily Janeway was feeling a little downright lonely after being sidelined for having her boyfriend major JD leaving her for dead in the middle of grandma’s house and then for her disappearance from Starfleet during her trip to jail time. She’s been staying in her temporary residence on the Uss-halo and has recently received a letter stating her ship status has changed since she’s gone back to working as marine captain and she will not be able back to becoming captain again of the Uss intrepid. However Major JB Dersch has not been able to show his true colors since he left Emily. Janeway was just sitting there in a dark room corner with a little glass of wine in her hands.

Rose stood outside the quarters she had been summoned to, a bottle of her Founders' Trifecta in her hands. Technically not even hers. It was her grandmother's recipe. Her mom had taught her. But the point remained that she had been summoned here, and brought a bottle of mead.

So she keyed the door to sound the chime inside.

Janeway’’s voice sounded like she was trying to get her emotions in control of herself since her first appearance back on board a starship “come inside” she says.

Doing as she was told, Rose furrowed her brows for a moment, reaching behind herself to close the door. "Heard your voice crack, ma'am. You summoned me? You okay?"

Janeway’s looking at the person in the room and saying “yes you can come in keeping me company during the meeting we had with the captain “I was just thinking about the person who murdered that young aid for an ambassador Starfleet." She said “if considering nobody knows that I have something similar.

"I'm sure many of us do, ma'am. We're still a day or so out," Rose picked a bottle opener off the table, beginning to twist the corkscrew into the top of her mead. She wasn't quite sure where the captain was going with this conversation. "There's a lot wrong with this case. But you have a lot more on your mind than one weird case. And you could have called anyone about that. I'm just a navigator."

Janeway was trying to say is that the marine major JB Dersch has decided to dump me off as his Exgirlfriend because he’s such a big headstrong guy he doesn’t even know what I had to deal with being separated from him during my extended leave absence from from Starfleet and had my ship being kept in Mars space dock with security clearance for the highest priority level. She handed over Rose a photograph of him and herself at her grandmother’s family farm house in the background of the picture their two black horses in the pasture. Also another photograph showed JB with Janeway’s grandmother last picture of her grandmother alive before Emily Janeway was taken command of her ship the following days.

Considering the stream of words and the photo, Rose sat across from the Captain. "So... Let me get this straight. You were dating a Marine major... He dumped you, cause he's an asshole, you lost your ship, which was last at Mars spacedock, and you're... Granddaughter of that Janeway... And I thought I had it bad with my husband dead and my ship destroyed..."

She gave a soft sigh. "One former captain to another, you'll earn it back. And one widow to a dumped woman, I don't envy you. You still have to see him and know he decided you weren't worth it to him. I think he's an idiot, ma'am. I... I've learned a lot about Mike Bujold since I joined StarFleet. Do we even know the men we fall for?"

Janeway said snipping her whiskey and shaking her head, saying "I have not the strangest idea of what really made him feel like I was not good enough for him”. There a lot of anger in her tone of voice.

"Not a clue. You're a strong leader. Reasonably smart, good instincts from what I've seen. Little scatterbrained. But that's mostly because you've been stuck planetside too long." Rose gave a shrug as she finally popped her bottle open, pulling a silicone collapsible cup from her pocket and pouring herself a glass. "But why should you be concerned with a man's opinion of you? You're a captain. Formerly in command of a star fleet vessel! At least your ship and your crew still fly, where mine was slaughtered wholesale."

“That man saved my life due to the poisoning that I came into contact with two years ago when he was just started his position as operations officer as operations officer a star fleet vessel called USS Albion NCC-3020 I was on my own vacation on the starbase after the ice hockey game for the Starfleet someone must have smuggled something inside of my luggage at the Black Unicorn hotel&restaurant Janeway said.

"Didn't need that level of detail..." Rose's voice trailed off, considering how to approach the problem as she sipped her drink. After a few moments, she gave a shrug. "He dumped you. Therefore he's an asshole. You don't need him. Not anymore. You did once. You don't, now. And at least you don't have to deal with what I did. You ever try filing a death certificate for a guy who already has four death certificates?"

Janeway said “not sure sure if I had to deal with it, my mom was very furious with the news of my ship being landed on Mars and me being indicted criminal tribunal that time in Autumn”. Janeway said as she fidgeted with the glass in her hand.

"I'll bet. What'd you even do to lose a command like that?" Considering her own experience with a court marshall, Rose shook her head. "Never mind. Doesn't matter. You're here now. Just like I got court marshalled and they took my shot at a ship."

Janeway looked uncomfortable “ I would be depromoted from Captain to serving with Martinez as my captain of the Intrepid” Janeway said.

"As I said, ma'am. Don't worry about it. You'll get her back. I commanded the Starbreaker. Little Heavy Metal Queen class freighter, twin NX class warp 5 engines, synchronized. Sixty man crew."

“That’s very great to hear” said Janeway.

"Oh. It was. Till my ship had her nacelles cut off by filthy pirates. Till my crew was murdered by boarders, my cargo stolen, my husband shot in the back with a disruptor by my brother, and I spent the next six months strung out of my mind on combat stims and gutting pirates to the tune of black and tans in the key of off. Your ex is an asshole. Mine died for me. Your ship, your crew, are alive and okay. Mine, everyone I have loved, and the ship I earned, are all dead." She stood, turning to walk towards the door. "I don't know why you called me. But if you think we're the same, think again."

Janeway stood up from the ground and said” That is quite interesting since this not too many people onboard that would stop what they are doing or grab a bit of food in the mess hall to casual talk with each other.” she spoke out.

"Ma'am, you're drunk. Get some rest. We have a mission tomorrow. You have access to my file." Rose left the room.

Janeway felt satisfied with the nice conversation between ship associates.


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