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Time To Meet All At Once

Posted on 2023, Wed Aug 30th, @ 11:45am by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Corporal Kate Score & Katie Townsend & Commodore David Dunne & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese & Lieutenant JG Lyric Reese

329 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Deck 11-Gymnasium
Timeline: 3 Days Before Halos Departure

The Admiral was Standing In the middle of the Gymnasium Waiting for the Others to arrive, Time to meet everyone

=^=Admiral Townsend To All Personal Please Report to Deck 11-Gymnasium=^=

Also On Deck 11 Was the Commander In Chief as well with his Chief Of Security.

Commander Reneé was finishing up some paperwork when he got the message, so he puts all important work off to the side and gets ready. Right before Jason leaves he goes to the replicator and orders an iced Earl grey tea.

Just a few minutes later Jason shows up to the gymnasium, afternoon Admiral says commander Reneé.

"Afternoon Commander" Townsend said.

Captain Reese and Commander Reese both shows up. The captain says to the Admiral "good morning admiral. The commander and I are here sir."


Then a Woman and a 1 Year old girl walked in and sat down. It was Admiral Townsends wife and daughters

"Thank you Admiral. Where do you want me to be at sir?" He asked.

"Any Where, Still waiting on some crew still."

"Yes sir." As he respectfully stood right next to the admiral since he is the first officer.

"Welcome Everyone, As Today We have Our First Mission Or What Everyone calls a Run Down Mission" Townsend said.

Captain Reese looks at the captain figuring that he wasn't told about this like at all. "What kind o mission sir?" He asked

"We will be transporting a Ambassador to New Romulus"

"So like a diplomatic mission that has diplomatic negotiations?"

"at the moment we are just rpov9iding Transportation.." chris said but was cut off by the CINC

"But that might changed, We have had some high tensions with them"

"Yes sir. Understood." Captain Reese said.

"Are there any questions?" Townsend asked

"None from what I can tell Admiral." Captain Reese said. Realizing it could go down badly.

"Well Then Lets Get this Mission Started, All Crew Report to your Stations, And Prepare for Departure"


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