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Quick Meet and Greet

Posted on 2024, Fri Jan 5th, @ 9:25am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander John Fitzgerald

649 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Ready Room-Deck 1
Timeline: 2 Minutes After The Meeting

"Commander, I want to give you a heads up, We are gonna need to be suited up with heavy Gear, Meaning Vests, Rifles and the whole thing, I don't know who we are up against" Townsend said to the Commander

"Yes, Admiral," Fitzgerald replied, "I'll admit, going on an away mission within mere hours of arriving on a new posting is a first, but a welcome one to be sure."

"Agreed Commander, Is there anything you need to make your stay and Posting here, Better?" Chris asked. He took a long last sip of his coffee in the process.

"Not at the moment, sir," Fitz replied, "That may change once I get settled in, though. I expect this will be one of my more, shall I say, interesting posts, but I am excited to be here, Admiral"

"Well Commander, Is there anything you want to know about me?"

"Well sir, being the thorough officer that I am, I've read your file, your meteoric rise through the ranks is quite impressive. My question is, how did you get through Frontier day Admiral?"

Chris looked at the Officer, Not expecting the question he had just asked. He sighed. "I was on the USS Hanes, As First Officer, I was on the Bridge when a younger Officer stood and shot the Me and two other Older Officers Dragged him into the turbolift when we noticed 4 others armed and walking towards us and once in the turbo lift, We Realised he was dead, We had no idea what going on at the time, I had no idea Picard hailed the fleet, Our Comms were down at that moment, We had did a Reboot of them right before the Fleet Mode kicked in, After we got to a safe spot, then did we learn what was really going on, So I started to hatch a plan to get off the Ship and to Star Base 1....."

"What was the plan?" He asked, "I know some used maintenance channels and areas, but I haven't read the full report as of yet. I was away at the Klingon border aboard the USS Explorer at the time."

"My Plan was to get to Star Base 1 and group up with the Officers Not taken, But we got trapped on Deck 35 Right at the Exit level for the Shuttle Bay...I didn't want to take any lives, I had just recently been assigned to the Hanes 7 months beforehand, Plus, I had also been worried about My Wife, who was only a Civilian at the time, I did get them, But I well....I got injured in the hall right before the shuttle bay, But I was able to still give orders. So I gave them the order to...Well....Do what what ever was needed to get us out of there alive..." Townsend said in a far voice as he remembered the aftermath of the order.

He looked at John. "I made choices I will never make again...Any Other questions?"

"No, sir," Fitz said, "I apologize if I've offended you, that was not my intention."

Chris straightened his back and looked to John. "John, Only 3 People know my story, Command, My Wife, and Now You, I am glad you asked, We all went through something horrible that day, and keeping it bottled up ain't gonna fix what happened, So Thank you for asking, Now Lets go see why the hell someone wanted to kill a Ambassadors Aide."

"In the words of James T. Kirk, sounds like fun."

Chris laughed a bit and stood. "I am gonna like you john, By the way, you now the 2nd Officer, Now lets get moving." Chris told John as he walked out onto the bridge. Leaving John to himself.

John stood by himself for a moment, the world sure moved quickly. He quickly dismissed the thought and made his way to the transporter


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