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Mission Training

Posted on 2023, Mon Dec 18th, @ 2:42pm by Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Corporal Kate Score & Commodore Emily Janeway

912 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Holodeck 1-USS Halo
Timeline: During Halos Transit To New Romulus

As the Program shot into Play. JB quickly raised his Rifle and took the lead with Score close behind.

"Captain, Targets up ahead, midnight, Seem to have just stopped, Moving to Intercept now"

Captain draws out the first weaponry that is in her loadout and then takes the first shots from her own weapon shotgun.

As the first shot hit the entire Enemy Team quickly hid out of site.

"Damn It!, Janeway Score, Draw their fire! Conway with me, We're gonna flank them from behind" JB quickly tossed his Light Phaser Rapid Fire Gun to Score.

"Copy that!" Score replied as she caught it and quickly set it up behind a barrier.

Janeway quickly pulled out the v-13 Phaser sniper rifle reloaded with the incinerator ammunition she heading into higher ground to take down the enemy.

Conway and JB moved quickly moved to get behind the Emeny. After some going through some tought terrain they made. Then Two Plasma gernades were hurled down to them. Then two big. BOOM BOOM. Then JB replyied. "Emeny Targets Taken out., Moving to Downtown."

As the Two Teams moved in at Different directions JB sensed something was off. "Dersch to Janeway, Somethings is.." Then a Big boom lifted him and Conway off the ground blowing them back about 30 Feet. "DAMN IT! JANEWAY, SCORE GET ME SOME SUPPRESSION FIRE!"

Score responded with a 4 Quick burst of Phaser fire from the Machine Rifle.

Out of the blue they all had heard the sound of a loud scream from zombie mutant Borg welding double machine guns on both sides of the mutated zombie arms and legs had some kind of blades on the back of his shoulders and he opened his fire with his weapons at blank range of motion to direct the attack and then he started to call the his mutant zombie Borg soldiers from the their own graves to attack. Janeway’s troops were able to fire the attack on the enemy but they were unable to escape from the enemy blades.

"SHIT!" JB quickly started to pull out the mini Grenade launcher.

Grenades were thrown around the enemy but were not effective

the grenades were absorbed by the impacts of the zombie mutant’s armor.

But Janeway was unable to reach heavy artillery for the frontline assaults and she had only managed to fire a single shot from her own sniper rifle from the abandoned church’s bell tower.

JB knew this was a big of a chance at losing. "Dersch to Janeway, I am gonna try something, Get me some cover fire"

Janeway to Dersch Roger that proceed with the vigilance Janeway ordered Dersch “ I’m going to see if I can get the i’m going to see if I can get these heavy machine guns powered up and running in only vantage point of view from the church watchtower that I only have “ Janeway said while she’s trying to activate the heavy machine guns . Oh and Dersch make sure you and the rest of our squad “watch out for enemy heavy assault combat vehicles.”Janeway said as she realized that she was completely short on the ammo for her sniper phaser rifle.

Janeway was still trying to figure out how to get the heavy ground artillery into place that was heavily armed with artillery shells.

Dersch was getting Bored. He then activated the Holodecks music. He started to play This Is It by Oh The Larceny.

Soon afterwards Dersch activated his holodeck music a machine squeaky noise of an 3 old military tanks rolling down the street from his current position.

Dersch was ready, He did a quick run across the street and threw a bandolier of Grenades with one of their pins pulled and hid behind the building the front of the tank blew up and off the ground, Taking off both front parts of the tracks, The other two had one track blown off. "HELL YEA!" Dersch yelled as he fired off rounds at the enemy officer trying to leave the now uesless tank.

Down pouring of heavy rainfall began to break out during the battle Janeway was on horseback ww1 cavalry officer welding her sword to charge the enemy’s front line with her saber and her pistol to flank the enemy’s defensive line. Janeway was feeling a little bit of fear of her own failure to her own soldiers since she was told that she had to seek out a new crewman for her own ship the Intrepid before the end of her time assigned as captain.

Janeway pushed on to the ground enemy forces into the wide open field of the enemy line or “no man’s lands among the enemy trenches of enemy lines. Marine unit 1 had been assigned to attack enemy lines in a under ground field bunker.

Just as JB went to move in. All thier Comm-Badges Beeped. It was time for the Meeting. JB stopped. "Computer End Program, Well Lets Go see what our Mission Is."

And he and Score walked out to head to the Officers meeting.

Janeway went out of the room to the meeting with JB and Score, and then Janeway said “ computer save progress”. when she heard the conversation from her group of people who were walking ahead of her in the hallway to go to the officers meeting room. Janeway knew that they’ve been talking about her since she got there as temporary marine command officer.


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