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Weapons training drills

Posted on 2023, Wed Nov 29th, @ 12:01pm by Commodore Emily Janeway & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Corporal Kate Score

530 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Marine detachment weapons armory, Uss-Halo
Timeline: Current

Janeway has already begun inspections of the weapon area for training purposes as well as reinstalling features for safety purposes, pulled out of storage training equipment for later live-action combat battlefield testing scenarios she has already sent out messages to her marine team of today’s exercise. She’s also unpacked her training combat gear and her personal training combat weapons. She has activated her combat live action combat training simulator she has been working on since her imprisonment last October it’s “ the hunted house of secrets”.

JB had already taken apart a rifle as always cleaning, and putting it back together.

Janeway had started putting her ammunition into her weapons afterward she had been writing some detailed notes into the composition mission command journal she put her tactical pen back into her pocket and then she started putting together the training ammunition crates for the field training mission exercises, which she has already completed activating the sounds effects of the haunted attraction, as well as holographic effects of the zombies and other things to make it a psychological horror experience.

Janeway had slipped her note and photo of her ex-boyfriend and her grandmother the photo that was taken with them together before she died the day they’d both visited her before she was to be taken up her first command uss-intrepid, she had the dinner visit with her mother and she quickly placed her package inside JB’s own duty jacket front pocket.

Janeway has placed all of the combat weapons ammunitions into a storage strategic spot for her team to go and search for the refilling of their weapons and spare ammunition and explosives cache inside the old abandoned factory.

Score walked in and begun some weapon recalibrations

JB walked up to the Captain. "Will there be any problems with us during this mission?"

Captain replied to JB’s question saying “ there shouldn’t really be anything wrong with us during this mission “ “ unless you’re referring to us as the interpersonal relationship involving our relationships JB?” she said as she proceeds to begin initiating the battle combat training exercises simulation.” just remember the enemies wearing armor equipment and then you must find the weak spot to attack accordingly”.

JB and Score did a quick gear check and looked at the Marine CO. "Lets Roll"

Their marine CO does her final quick check on her equipment, and then activates the codes to initiate the trade exercise while she inputs the second final code into the system she turns two-faced her fellow Marines “rules in the training simulation that must be aware of your own Weapon’s ammunition and capacity storage capacity I’ve added all the alien races that we have encountered in this galaxy so far and also have made adjustments to get everyone trained up for missions Starfleet headquarters will assigned to the ship”. She finishes her speech she puts on her own combat helmet Finally, she hits the override button to rotate altered environments of battleground combat and combat the enemy military squadrons. Afterwards the marine captain walks out of the locker room to follow her squad into the combat zone simulation room.


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