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Spend A Little More Time

Posted on 2023, Fri Nov 17th, @ 1:48pm by Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Lieutenant Lillian Hansen

403 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Star Base 113
Timeline: 4 Hours Till Departure

After going back to sleep for about 15 minutes, Lilly and JB decided to get a head start on the day and got up and got dressed. JB went and made breakfast. As Lilly walked out she saw sorts of Breakfast items, Bacon, Biscuits and Gravy, Toast, Jelly, even a few Pancakes.

"JB you know you didn't have to make a feast right?" Lilly said as she took a seat.

"Ah, Its fine, My way of..Well let's just say a Good Breakfast for a new start" JB said as he handed her a plate.

Lilly started like like him even more by the second. "Well thank you, I bet your a good cook?"

"I guess, I only usually cook for myself or my dog" He replied as he got his plate and sat next to Lilly.

"You have a dog?" Lilly asked as she took a bite of toast.

"Yep, a Black and White Australian Shepherd, Who you will met soon" As if on cue there was a chime, Someone was at the door.

"Whos that?" Lilly asked.

"I got it, I had a Officer bring her" He walked over and the door slid open to show a Sec/Tac Officer, it was Ensign Fox. "Thank you Ensign" and He took the leash. And Fox walked off.

On the leash was sure enough a decent sized dog.

"Lilly this is Poppy" JB said as he walked up with Poppy who was trying to sniff everything.

"Hello.." Lilly said as she held her hand out. Poppy sniffed it..Then licked it and tried to hop her front paws into Lilly's lap.

"No, Down" JB said as She tried this.

"Its fine" Lilly said. JB then took the leash off and went back to his seat next to Lilly. As he sat down Poppy put her front paws up in Lilly's lap all while Lilly was petting Her all over.

"She likes you" JB replied.

"I was always good with animals, Plus I always wanted a dog but never had the time" Lilly replied as she took a bite then gave a piece of toast to Poppy.

"Well, Now that we are together, Poppy is both of us" JB said with a smile.

"I will love that, Now I need to get a box of treats on my counter for when she does good" Lilly said as Poppy's ears perked up at the word Treat.


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