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Stand Ready

Posted on 2023, Mon Nov 20th, @ 8:49am by Commodore Emily Janeway & Admiral Christopher Townsend

1,034 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Ready Room-Deck 1
Timeline: 50 Minutes After Halo Leaves

The admiral waited for the captain to arrive.

The captain arrived and waited until granted entry.

"Come" Chris stood and waited for her to enter.

Janeway arrives and walks through the entrance Of the office asking “You wanted to see me today admiral?” She asks while she waits for a response from her head command officer looking around the office room reminding her that she has been asked to come in to see her headquarters commanding officer for a reason for her to come to return to her command post of command of the USS-intrepid and at the same time she’s holding her luggage and belongings in case she has to be reassigned to temporary position or the halo or go solo with position or the halo, or go solo with the Ussintrepid, she pulls out of her bag her last month ago mission information report of the fighter shuttles which was dropped off, supposed to be dropped off, but never got to get processed before she had to go to the tribunal court indictment for her conviction that result of her being from furlough of an absence of a extended period, which resulted her ship being held in Starfleet security custody.

"Captain, I want you for my Marine CO for the time being, But I do need you to know, Let's Not in the future with the crew in, I am stressed enough as it is with me being the Task Force Guardian Flag Officer, I can't being doing this every other week, Plus my wife is expecting so that kinda adds to the stress."

Janeway looks at the admiral with a stern cold look in her eyes “Are you sure that’s wise maybe I will take your order since you can’t do this every other week Because of that the fact your wife is expected to have a kid”. She still staring at her supervisor for the fleet. “ I wishing..,I could’ve had been in a similar position like you and your wife are in that sense of relationship.” She said with a straight face and gathers up her stuff she brought over with her “ when will I expect have a jobs from the captain?”. And I have a feeling I’m going to be on the halo with my ex boyfriend true”.

"We are working on Crew for your ship but till then, your Our Temproy Marine CO, And makes Major Dersch you XO since hes the other high ranking officer"

“ I’ve already demonstrated my skills with my prowess of combat being a Marine CO?” After all, I am the one who had invented and built created federation weaponry a centuries for the Federation since my last ship beforehand the transfer?”

"Well Good," he said and then he turned serious. "Do Not Start things with you Ex, And that's an Order, Is that understood."

“ affirmative sir I willingly be on my way. I willing no matter whatever comes out from here and now I will behave. I will swallow my pride.” Even if the relationship didn’t last with him he was a good guy. He’s the one that saved me from the brink of remembered?”

"Yes I do, So let’s keep the Feelings mutual, agreed?"

“ I suppose I now have to agree to the terms and conditions for this agreement and do that for the sake of the agreement itself as a fact I guess I will. She knows what she’s expected to do.” She says that she walks out playing in the background music of their discussion is playing desert Rose by sting the artist.
“ oh, it’s a compromise you go ahead and take care of my dog. I’m pretty sure he’ll like you do you remember?”

"You can bring the Dog on board, JB has already brought his, But he let his Girlfriend watch it while we are this mission back at SB 113"

“ all right I will do what you ask but you should remember that my dog Augustus is a working dog breed of dog for police work as well as military search and rescue you know the drill so he’ll be good to to good to use the missions “

"Bring your dog with you, JB has his dog onboard, But is having his girlfriend watch her"

“ All right then" she gets the chance to get her own stuff from her supervisor and begins to the next day to leave the earth and she said "has My mother say anything to you?”

"Not that I know of, Why is she supposed to talk to me?"

“ well yeah precisely she should since ,I haven’t heard nothing from her since since everything going on this place … I know “she’s real busy at all” She said seriously “just make sure you plan our missions precisely. Otherwise you’ll be the one to call the families members and deliver the news that their loved ones has lost their lives by being killed in the line of duty serving their duty to Starfleet.” She was waiting for her supervisor to tell her to be dismissed and his reply, even though she and the flag fleet admiral were both not on good terms at the moment she was still there waiting for him to respond back to her answer.” She gathers up her and all her belongings textbook the case, her favorite firearms. Her of her belongings as a commander officer.” She picks up a pistol, put it in the holster.” “ she said thank you for taking care of my firearm for me from my vessel.”

"Well, Thats It for, Now, You are to meet with all the marines in the next hour to tell them what spot you’re taking, Your Dismissed.

where do I go talk to? Who is the person for me to meet up with to tell them where I’m supposed to go? She said on her way out the door.

"You're the Marine CO, They are under your Command. Order them to the Marine Meeting room and tell them your the new CO and let them get to know you more"


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