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Reporting In

Posted on 2023, Tue Aug 29th, @ 11:15am by Captain Logan Reese & Corporal Kate Score

323 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Ready Room-Deck 1
Timeline: Days Before USS Halo Departure

Score stood ready and walked into the Ready room and stood ready. "Staff Sergeant Kate Score Reporting For Duty Sir".

"As you were Sergeant. Welcome to the U.S.S. Halo." Reese said to the sergeant as he looked up.

She Relaxed a Bit "I would like ask, Is there any things you requirement out of a Marine that I need to watch?"

"Not that I am aware of Sergeant. All I have to say after looking at your service record. I must say I'm impressed." He said to her.

"Thank You sir, If you want to ask anything about that, Feel Free' She said

"I will for sure. With the U.S.S. Halo a new vessel. I'm glad they have decided to have a fighter squadron for the ship. From what I can tell she's a tough little ship." He said.

"Yes, Odyssey Class Were built in my Opinion For Battle." said Kate.

"I believe you are right. I'm not saying your not." He said.

"Well Captain is there any other questions?"

"No. Really I want to know is more about you and why you chose the Halo." He said.

"Choose the Halo? Sir? I didn't choose the Halo, It was Given to me, I have applied for a Lead Position on a Marine Regiment but get declined every time. I figured this would be a good spot to Extend my experience and Maybe even Get a Promotion to a Lead Spot" She sounded like shes been waiting this type of spot for a while.

"That's good. I'm glad"

"Well, Captain What made you join Star Fleet? If you don't mind me asking?"

"My family Sergeant."

"Your Family? Let Me Guess Your Wife or Kid is On Board?" Score asked

"Yes. My family was in starfleet." He said

"Okay, If you have nothing Else I have to check out my Living Quarters" Score said

"No Sergeant. Your dismissed." The captain said


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