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Whats Next

Posted on 2023, Thu Nov 16th, @ 1:24pm by Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Lieutenant Lillian Hansen
Edited on on 2023, Thu Nov 16th, @ 4:25pm

441 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Lt. Hansens Personal Quarters

JB had only meant to go to the Bar and get a few drinks, But it he ended the night in bed with Lilly Hansen a Medical officer from Star Base 113, And Well, They first talked some, Then talked more, Then it got more talkative, Then it went back to her Quarters, They kissed, Then she had rose and gave him a come and get me look as she entered her bed room, And JB was not the type to pass a opportunity like this up so he and went and got her. And Now the morning after she was laying next to him. And she had just woken up had rolled over He knew he had to leave at some point to get back to the USS Halo, But he would wait a bit.

"Lilly, You awake?" JB rolling over to face Her. She moved to face him.

"Yea, How was you night?" She asked with a smile.

"It was fun" JB replied.

"Well, We will call us a thing Now?" She asked, But deep down she wanted him to say yes, She never really had boy friends during her teen years or even during her Academy years, So when they first kissed she had a deep feeling this was gonna go somewhere and last a while.

"I don't see why not, You're everything I look for in a woman, Plus Beautiful, Plus You seemed to have an edge which I like" He leaned over and kissed her.

"Well, Then, I have another question, Is it true that Halo is heading out tomorrow for its next mission?" Lilly asked.

"Yes, I do not know about what yet, But I will find out soon, The Admiral is not the one to not tell his crew what the mission is till the last minute."

Lilly sat up. "I would ask to be transferred to the Halo, But that would seem obvious about why I wanted a transfer"

JB sat up, Raveling his Muscular chest which was hiding under the covers. "I would not advise it, But Star Base 113 is Our Home base of operations, And you would more of a chance on a promotion on the Base than on the Halo, But I would also say maybe cause the Chief Counselor is the Admirals Wife"

Lilly thought about this. "Well, Yea, But I don't want to cause problems, I hate to cause problems."

JB moved closer to Lilly and pulled her in for a hug. "Well, it's up to you, If you want to transfer, Then Transfer, If not, then you don't, I will still be with you no matter what Lilly"


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