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Reporting In-Commander Ra'Danaleii

Posted on 2023, Thu Dec 7th, @ 12:35pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend

198 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Ready Room-Deck 1
Timeline: 1 Hour Before Halo's Departure

The Admiral sat once again in his ready room waiting for his new Chief Sec/Tac Officer. He waited to do a quick meet and greet before he did his rounds around the Halo to make sure it was ready for what he thought to be a difficult mission ahead.

The doors to the Ready room swished open as Ra'dan made his way to sit with the Admiral. He had taken the time to make sure his new Sec/Tac uniform was freshly pressed, that he was properly groomed and bathed. In short, the man was dressed to the Nines even for just this simple sit down. This was Commander Afra's sterling reccomendation, and he certainly looked the part as he set appropriately parallel to his superior officer.

"Admiral Townsend, I'm Commander Ra'danaleii, though Ra'dan is fine for efficiency." he said "I apologize for being on time, the previous Chief Tactical officer left much to be desired and implementations are already in the works to bring the Halo up to code. I was debriefing and meeting with my personnel when the call came, otherwise I would have been here earlier." he said in a pleasant and even tone.


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