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Officers/Department Heads

Posted on 2023, Fri Dec 15th, @ 11:00am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Lieutenant Aubrie Fox & Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke III & Corporal Kate Score & Commodore Emily Janeway & Commander John Fitzgerald & Lieutenant Rose Andrake & Sergeant Artemis Conway

1,795 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Ready Room-Deck 1-USS HALO
Timeline: Enroute To Romulus

OCC-Everyone check here to describe you entrances and where you sit,[gallery]/1/

Admiral Townsend sat at the head of the table, Waiting for his Crew to arrive

Townsend went ahead and put up a holographic image of the Federation Embassy on New Romulus. Then continued to wait for the Crew.

Rose entered the room, first, visibly confused, but standing tall as she considered what she had heard so far. Shouldn't the astrometrics lead be here? The chief helmsman? No matter, she would report what was said here back to them. What was relevant, anyway. She slipped her tablet from her pocket, loading the course and Engineering's calibrations to the briefing file before turning to the Admiral. "Morning, sir. Need me to go get coffee? I've noticed a minor time dialation shift in our star mapping, I'll recalibrate after the meeting, if you don't mind. I'll be able to update you with our arrival time better then. Right now, I'm within about fifty minutes, I think."

Townsend thought about the coffee offer. "You know what Lt. yes Please, I would, And heres your PADD."

"Thank you, sir." Rose sat down in the chair reserved for astrometrics before she began keying an order for coffee and pastries with the galley, to be beamed in to the conference room while she waited for the the others to arrive. With that put in, she started working on her temporal recalibration. Even impulse was a significant portion of the speed of light, causing minor time dialation as the ship moved. Normally, the onboard navigation clocks would be adjusted based on the engine specs, known mass of the ship, and recorded speed. But minor variences in the drives could add or subtract a few tenths of a second, and that built up. So occasionally it was necessary to sync time with known factors. The atomic clock on Earth, usually. But she preferred three time sources to confirm. And she preferred to do it at least once per week. Old habit from her days as a freighter captain.

Dersch and Score walked in with the Other Marine close behind, Dersch took up the Seat toward rear of the table where chief helmsman would be, But no one was Chief, Score sat to his left. Spark took up respectful station leaning against the back wall, letting herself settle into the armor to listen.

Kate walked in and took her spot.

Reneé walks in and takes his spot

"Renee, Heres your PADD, Please have a seat and be ready"

Commander John Fitzgerald took a deep breath, straightened his uniform, and entered the room, he found his seat and sat down.

"Welcome, Commander, Heres your PADD, We will start momentarily"

Spark took up a dutiful spot in the back of the room. She wasn't a high ranking Marine, she doubted she would have anything to add to the conversation, but she did need to be here to listen and know what kind of scarp she and her squad were getting into.

Rose looked up from her PADD as the coffee and pastries beamed in, settling on the table before she reached forward and poured herself a mug, sliding it back with a donut on top and retreating back into her calculations, uploading her reestimated arrival time to the briefing the instant she had an acceptable margin of temporal slip. "Coffee's here. So the course ticket I was handed indicated we were headed to Romulan territory. I'm actually kinda familiar with that space. Been pulled over a few times out there. Never got arrested, but still. Romulans are only slightly nicer than Naussicans, generally. Their captains are certainly more formal and polite."

"Agreed, But it seems we always have problems with them, We are to investigate the suspicious death of a Ambassador's aide." Chris pulled up a File and sent it to all the PADDs. "Heres what we got.." He wait anyone to ask what was the main problem.

"I already see one. The body's intact. No stab wounds. Daggers are messy. A stab wound, a slit throat, the cry of pain when the victim gets hit. Especially given the ornamental daggers worn by some Romulan, not dissimilar from Klingon or some human cultures, makes me think that the witness report isn't our guy. We'd need a proper autopsy to determine cause of death. But given Romulan tech, we'd be looking for blood toxicity or the burned nerves from a disruptor hit," Spark commented.

"Well, Star Fleet want us to find this Killer, But Romulan Military Police want him in thier hands and not ours" Chris Spoke to the group.

"Well, of course they would. Sounds like we can actually count on Romulan cooperation on this one," Rose commented before Spark appeared over her shoulder and reached over her to grab a bear claw.

"We've all read the briefings. Romulans use duty where Vulcans use logic. Good chance we're looking for someone who sees it as their duty to hinder Federation relations with the Romulan government. No telling why, but I assume the same reason we've had issues with the Klingons since just after First Contact.". Spark gave a shrug as she retreated to her corner.

"That sounds right. We'll have to convince Romulan Military Police it's our duty to mete justice. Not theirs. But we can work with them, and convince them it's just as much their duty to find our guy as it is ours. All in all, nothing we can't handle with a few calls and a well placed ground team. I recommend a full autopsy, including cellular density, tongue scrape, and liver checks soon as we get there. I can go under for some hypno to pull up old memories of working with Romulans if it helps." As much as Rose volunteered, here, the look on her face said anything but. She didn't like the perceived risks of hypnosis. Especially not with her shadow.

"I Agree with You all on the ideas, I don;t know about agreeing with the hypnosis just yet, Once we arrive, The Romulan MPs should have already secured the Area, But I doubt they did, So We're gonna need to get some Security Officers assigned on a Hour Clock rotation watch, Commander Fitzgerald , I am sure you can get that taken care of? And Mrs. Alexeievna, I want Our Fighter jets on standby, If we find the Suspect, You will become Our eyes in the sky, So get those Jets on standby, I have a feeling this Guy OR woman might try to make a run for it, Lt. Reese, Get as much Intel we can about Romulans when it comes to Murders, and Anything else that can help us Capture this Pearson, Captain Janeway, You Marines will help us Fully Investigate Plus, Provide some Extra man power, Our Marine Drop shuttle it be flown by Mrs.Alexievna and her team of pilots, Once we find the suspects, We will have Our Security Ground Teams Lead, by Commander Fitzgerald and Lt. Fox take pursuit and The Drop Shuttle will fly ahead and drop the Marines into place, and will try to intercept the person" As he went through this, The Hologram showed a Diagram model showing what he meant.

"Sounds like a solid plan, sir. I'll program up a search patrol route for the shuttle en route." Rose nodded, reaching for another donut. "Estimated time of arrival is in the briefing packet. I'll also call some old friends on Romulus and gather any info on what the civilian populace knows about this mess. And possibly the planetary defense fleet, considering I got pretty close with a couple customs officers out there."

Spark gave Rose a look of confusion and light suspicion. "You have friends on Romulus?"

"I was a postage captain on the rim for fourteen years. You're damn right I have Romulan friends. Vo'tosh Nacur may be zealous in his patrols,.but he makes a damn good pot roast and knows how to treat a lady. I used to bring him dark chocolate from Earth. He was mad as Hell I got married."

Captain, Emily Janeway arrives shortly later than usual after she had to finish working with a Marines on their first training exercise with life combat involvement “ sorry I was late I apologize truly apologize for the delay I’m already up to speed as to what the situation is going to be including the detailed information”. Janeway sits in the assign seat, reads her information meeting packet.

After Janeway finishes looking over the contents of the document she says the group of people who are attending the conference she said “ I have recognized
That dagger from the evidence photo that person holding the dagger is a male person.”she said in stern tones of her voice.

A Beeping Sounded throughout the room. Townsend tapped the Tables comms. "Townsend" The Helm officer spoke.

"Sir We have arrived at Romulus, It seems they have the Planet on Lock down."

Townsend looked to the rest of the group. "Mrs. Andrake, I would advise getting in touch with those Allys as soon as possible, We weren't told they were locking down the plant nor Space, Security Teams Get suited up and be on standby in the Transporter Room, Marines, be suited up and ready as well, Get all Pre-Flight Checks ready, I want the marines ready to move at a moments Notice, All Right People, Lets Get Ready For a Planet Wide Man Hunt"

Janeway said “ Affirmative Captain “I shall get them ready immediately “as she gets up from her seat the she signals to her marines personnel to go ahead get ready for the deployment. Janeway make sure that has her own favorite pistol in her arsenal that she’s already prepared for this mission from the meeting table putting it into her side armor weapon holster’s of her own armor she saids to the captain “ thank you for holding on to my combat katana’s swords.” Janeway says with a smile on her face. Before Janeway could leave the room she’d asked “ will there anything else I need to know?” She said to the head commanding officer while she was reupholstering her own weapons that were returned to her upon arrival he returned to duty.

"No Captain, Just be Ready on moments Notice" Townsend replied to Janeways question. "Any Other Questions Before we Begin The Hunt?"

“Aye” surely I will have my marine crew ready when they receive their orders from you sir said Janeway as she’s leaving the room along with her teammates Janeway silently thought she had remembered meeting the possible individual who would be the assassin behind this hunt.


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