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Meeting & Greet

Posted on 2023, Tue Oct 31st, @ 8:57am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commodore Emily Janeway

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Admiral Townsend Office
Timeline: 15 Minutes Before Halos Departure

Emily Janeway was temporarily assigned to the XO team from the admiral just she’s just gathering things for her bags, so wanted to hang out with her marine boyfriend JB .

"Enter" she heard, It was Admiral Townsend

She looked up at the person who had entered her temporary residence “ oh l thought you were major JB Drench ?”

"Oh? Mr. Dersch is busy at the moment, I wanted to talk to you, Please Sit"

Emily Janeway sits back down on the couch next her western saddle and western bridle with her bite of her own horse that she had taken from her grandmother’s horse farm “ did you want to talk about with me ?”

"Yes, Wanted to ask you, Since you have a close person on this ship, Will it affect your command?"

She looked at her commanding officer’s eyes as she spoken to him “ this shouldn’t hinder my ability to take command or my abilities to take command with my boyfriend as a member of the crew as long as he knows that I’m around” she said

"he Dose, Hes Temporary Chief Sec/Tac Officer, Is there anything I should know about you before we head out for our next mission?”

“ he needs to know about my grandmother’s death even though his’s part of the Janeway family farm ranch property also I don’t think anything would be wrong with him and I on the mission.” She said as she was sipping her cowgirl’s western coffee.

"Well, Sounds Good, Is there anything you need, It seems My XO might show up, Hes on board but dealing with Family matters, So you might be pushed down to a Marine CO for a little bit, Any questions?"

Well, speaking of which questions I should asking about is whether I’am going to be “ just being passed around from one place to another “ also I have a appointment with our ship’s counselor it’s a handwritten notecards for the appointment from HQ, I am going to be positive that I will be capable of working on this vessel and will continue to work with the crew assignments or whatever they’re assigned to work with me. Emily still sitting on the small sofa in her temporary cabin polishing her pacemaker, six shooter colt revolver her Trusty silver sidearm and her trusty AK-47 automatic rifle.

"Well, I will give my wife the heads up, Well I need to go, Now I will see you on the bridge in a little bit"

Townsend then rose and walked out.


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