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Returning to command

Posted on 2023, Thu Oct 26th, @ 2:58pm by Commodore Emily Janeway & Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell

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Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Admiral’s office/Starfleet headquarters
Timeline: 1 Hour Before Halo's Departure

Captain Emily Janeway wearing her assigned standard-issued uniform walked into the fleet’s Headquarters her first mission assignment since her arrival from the extended leave of absence from her command. She then walked over to the base’s administration’ for her appointment meeting with her commanding officers.

When she walked in, the CINC was not in there. Then soon he walked in, He seemed like he rushed from somewhere. "Sorry For being late, Had some problems to take care of. So First Off welcome back, How was your leave?"

Emily Janeway acknowledged the admiral’s comment and she replied with a positive tone “Yes, it was very very good. very relaxing. a lot of sites that I visited, exploring museums. that was right after mine sentenced to serve my punishment for the incident that occurred last month court officials from the tribunal overruled my sentence of being housed in confinement at the Federation penitentiary, they exchanged my offering to go to spend the time, and that week duration of my leave with my grandmother, which include working as a ranch-hand at the Janeway’s family’s horse estate farm. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but my mother’s mother has taken an illness. Or has suffered illness due to old age. She ended up passing away from a disease in her brain, like dementia she was, or she was in the bed stages of the disease when my boyfriend JB was visiting her as I was visiting my mother to spend time with her before I took command of Emily sat down patiently in one of the chairs next to the desk, took out a metal army, olive color, steel canteen of water.

"Well, Is there anything you need? Cause you might get moved to the Halo as Temporary XO"

Emily contemplates for a minute and pulls out a list of things that she will be doing while she’s taking a temporary position on the halo as XO any news from my mother? I might have a lot more questions or a lot more unanswered questions or doubts as far as where I’m supposed to go for the halo I haven’t had much of a life mentor to guide me throughout my life and that will include my mother sent out the papers regarding My Grandma’s estate will inheritance paperwork that is stamped it with legal documents, what about my dog Augustus and boyfriends dog? As well as the items that I will need to do my duties so I can feel at home.

"It's Only Temporary Nothing for too long"

Emily nodded her head as she acknowledged what the Admiral was talking about “Will I have everything transferred as I go to get reassigned as well as make sure my vessel is in good shape, not collecting dust, as well as the newly refurbished parts that need to be replaced in my ship?” “ also her paint job she’s going to get a fresh coat of paint on her entire vessel?” “ how do you speak to my mother lately?” She sits patiently for the Admiral to speak.

"Your Dogs, Can come, Well the ship yard officers will get that Fix, Now get your stuff together And Make it fast, Halo is leaving within the next hour, For its new mission"

Emily gets up from her chair reaching her hand grab the handle of her two carry-on personal luggage that she has already been prepared to take alongside her own personal possessions that contain the contents of the photographs of her mother and herself, her boyfriend and her two dog’s she had walked out of the room to get to the Uss.Halo for the temporary position that she has been ordered to be placement for the meantime “ yes sir I will” She walked out the room and heads to halo ready to leave.


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