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Your Welcome

Posted on 2023, Mon Oct 30th, @ 8:46am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Deck 1-CO Ready Room
Timeline: 1 Hour After Halo's Departure

Admiral Townsend needed to talk to Renee. So he called him to his office and waited.

Reneé eventually got to the admirals office and chimed


Reneé enters, Admiral sir you wanted to see me says Reneé

"Yes, Please Sit, Wanted to ask you something"

Reneé sits down

"Would you like to Be given the Asist Chief Sec/Tac officer, Only cause we have no cheif"

Ah sir (Reneé is lost for words) I uh y yes sir. I I wow sir I won't let you down

"Well, Make sure to not us your anger, Okay?"

Aye sir, I've been reading this book lately on anger management as Reneé shows the admiral. The books cover says (how not to be an angry Klingon) written by : Worf of the House of Mogh,


Yes sir, it's been really helpful and I'm almost done with the book. It comes in all languages and I highly recommend this book to anybody that needs answers

"Agreed, Is there anything you need or want before we head out for our next mission?"

Negative sir, but thank you.

"Well, Then your Dismissed"


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