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The Future is Bright in this One

Posted on 2023, Tue Oct 17th, @ 1:17pm by Commander Kate Townsend & Katie Townsend & Cadet Freshman Grade Tess

248 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: Townsend Family Quarters
Timeline: 1 Hour Before Halo's Departure

Tess walked down the corridor towards the Townsend family quarters. Kate had asked her or more likely made an agreement, Between Her and Tess, asking her to watch Katie. And in return she would get help from Kate on her Homework sent from her Academy Instructors at Star Fleet Academy on Earth. As she walked into the Family's quarters and seen Kate sitting with Katie on the couch in the main living space. Tess stopped right before the main entrance allowing the door to slide shut behind her. Kate stood up and talked to Tess.

"Hello Tess, Thanks for doing this" Kate gave her a hug, Tess Returned the Favor, But She didn't really enjoy the type of affection from her Human part.

"Its My Pleasure Commander" Tess said to Kate after they hugged. Kate looked to Katie and said "See you later Katie, Behave okay" Katie just mumbled and went back to her PADD.

Kate nodded to Tess as she walked out. Tess went and sat in the Arm Chair and watched Katie, Not in a bad way, Just...Studying her, trying to figure out how fast her thoughts were being processed as she watched what looked like some type of Show. But then Katie got up and ran to her room to grab toys, To be exact Barbies. and She walked up to Tess and asked "Can you Play?"

Tess hesitated at first but said "Okay..." Then thought this is going to be a long Day


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