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Posted on 2023, Mon Oct 30th, @ 12:57pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke III & Corporal Kate Score & Commodore Emily Janeway & Lieutenant Rose Andrake & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé & Sergeant Artemis Conway

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Dark Past’s Are Hidden For A Reason(Halo/Ross/Romulan)
Location: USS Halo
Timeline: 1 Month Since Halos Last Mission


The Admiral tapped his side of his seat opening a Inter-Ship comms.

=^= Admiral to All Crew, Prepare for Departure in 30 Minutes=^=

Townsend turned to Admiral Reese and Captain Reese, "We will once we are under way have a meeting with the Department heads about our Current Mission"

"Helm disengage All Moorings and take us out"

"Right away Sir" Replied the Helm s officer And soon the Bridge was full of activity as the ship moved out and away from the Dry Dock. Then Helm spoke again. "Sir We are lined for warp, Max warp Sir?"

The Admiral Nodded "Yes, Lt. Maxim Warp"

The View Screen then turned to Stars

"All Department Heads Report to Ready Room, Lt. Andrake, All Marines As Well"


The auburn haired astronavigator could be found in the navigation bay, entering equations and double checking maps and courses before she sent the proposed course to the command team for final approval.

She made sure to give ETA estimates based on their choice of warp factors and gave plus or minus about three percent in case of unforseen corrections.

She would wait for further assignment.

=^=All Department Heads Report to Ready Room, Lt. Andrake, All Marines As Well=^=


Spark looked up from the pulsed phase carbine she had spread out disassembled on the bench, then shrugged and went back to cleaning.

Major Dersch walked in and grabbed a Carbine and also started to disassemble on another bench, But he started to Play Some Heavy Rock Music, To Be exact, Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold.

"Good tunes, sir," Spark shrugged, beginning to put her weapon back together. "Bit on the classic side, but then who'm I to talk? I'm a big fan of Amaranthe."

"Thanks, Never heard of Amaranthe" Dersch said as Score walked in and started to lift weights in the corner.

"Think poppy power metal with a Dragonforce vibe compounded with the clear vocals and genre blending of like Sabaton or Nightwish." She gave another shrug, putting her weapon back together and going through the functions check. "Hopefully we're bored this mission, right? I can study up. Go green to gold some point."

"From what I heard it ain't gonna be no Boring mission, Care to listen?" Score stopped and looked over.

"Aww, shit. What, the Romulans getting froggy again? Or is it the Borg? Cause those guys make me miss kinetics. Because Kinetic is king."

"Yes, a Ambassadors Aide was found dead in a Romulan Emissary building, we are going to see if she was attacked or defied of natural cause"

=^=All Department Heads Report to Ready Room, Lt. Andrake, All Marines As Well=^=

JB looked to the others, "Well Thats Us, Let roll" JB cuts the music and sets his weapon aside

Kate was doing some Diagnostics on some med Equipment, While Doc Matthews was in his office.

Reneé has a program running as he has been working out, he's been lifting roughly 240lbs.

He hears the admiral and puts the weights back on the holder, Reneé then says end program as he heads to his personal room to shower and change.

Reneé gets changed and grabs his book on how to control his anger.

=^=All Department Heads Report to Ready Room, Lt. Andrake, All Marines As Well=^=

crew living quarters
Emily Janeway has already arrived at the Uss Halo has already been unpacked from the transfer of her new temporary position she walks down to her boyfriend in the marines department.

=^=All Department Heads Report to Ready Room, Lt. Andrake, All Marines As Well=^=


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