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Meeting the Admiral

Posted on 2023, Mon Aug 28th, @ 12:41pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese

138 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)

As she just get on board the ship, she went and saw her husband Logan standing there and hugged him but she also then saw the Admiral standing there too.

"Oh Admiral sir. Hello." She said to the admiral.

"Hello Commander, Welcome aboard" Chris Said as he studied the New Chief Of Counseling and Engineering.

"Thank you sir. This a wonderful ship you have here sir." Quinn said.

"Well I hope you like it here, We still have some time before we set out but hey, that means time to explore!"

"Yes sir. I would love to do that." She said.

"Well If you ever need anything, Or Need Something for you job here, Please Reach out." And With that the Admiral Entered the Turbo lift. "Deck 1" and the doors slid shut leaving the Captain and Commander Alone.


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