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Posted on 2023, Mon Oct 2nd, @ 12:55pm by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commodore David Dunne

191 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Star Base 1- Deck 12-Conference Room 12A
Timeline: 2 Days After Halos Arrival

Everyone was waiting on newly promoted Fleet Captain Martinez.

Martinez came to deck 12 the conference room where everyone was located.

The Commander In Chief stood. "Welcome Captain Martinez"

"Thank you sir. Might I ask why the promotion?" She said.

"Since the Issues with the Captain Janeway you have been assigned as Aisst. Chief Of my Security Detail"

"Thank you sir. I am honored. I wasn't expecting this like at all." She said.

"Well, So any questions?"

"Sir? May I ask why me?" She asked.

Fleet Captain Dunne spoke. "You Have potential, And its needs to be used."

"I do?" She asked. "But I was just on the intrepid. We hadn't even gotten on our first mission. But as the former first officer on the intrepid, I noticed that my potential had paid off." She added.

The Commander In Chief spoke "Captain, with the recent events we can't have just sitting waiting there for an assignment"

"Yes sir. I understand. And I respectfully accept this promotion and reassignment sir." She said.

"Well is there any questions?" Asked the CINC

"No sir. No other questions sir." She said.


"Yes sir." She said.


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