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Report Lt. Andrake

Posted on 2023, Thu Sep 28th, @ 3:39pm by Lieutenant Rose Andrake & Admiral Christopher Townsend

1,046 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Star base 1-Admiral Townsends Office
Timeline: 2 Days after halos Arrival

The Admiral sat in his office drinking coffee as always, Waiting for his new science officer

The door pinged as Rose pushed the button, stepping back to stand at an easy parade rest and wait, letting her eyes close as her heart pounded. She had decided to wear the junior grade pip due to her understanding of her judgement. Still, when she had opened the uniform box and found lieutennant pips, she had nearly choked back tears. But she had been told to report, and brought the pips with her. Perhaps she'd get an explanation.

"Come" She heard.

And come she did, entering the room to offer a professional smile and come to attention near the door. "Admiral. You summoned me?"

"Yes, Please Sit" He motioned to the Seat in front of the desk.

Rose's brows furrowed as she stepped forward, drawing the box of rank pips from her pocket and setting them on the desk as she sat down. "I hope you'll forgive some nervousness, sir. And I apologize if I'm being direct. But what did you need to speak with me about?"

He did a qiuck read of her service record

use of close range weaponry and Klingon combat stimulants endangered herself, her crew, and her ship to repel boarders, and for severely injuring six members of security and medical when she was located and sedated for medical treatment. Demotion will come with immediate reassignment on fleet needs and bar from promotion for a period of one year.

"Says here you endangered your crew by using Close Range Weapons and Klingon Combat Stimulants.....Care to explain?"

"I... Don't remember, sir. I've tried. Hypnotherapy, meds, everything. All I remember was the boarding alarm going off while I was trying to plot an in system warp jump. I... Felt this burning sensation in my neck, a hiss. Like I'd gotten a hypospray. Next thing I know I'm... In the brig. Bunch of Marines nearby with anti-materiel weapons pointed at me, my uniform soaked through with blood... None of it mine. Second time that happened." She never broke eye contact, though he could see the shame behind her cool demeanor. A soft shrug, and she shook her head. "I don't know, sir. I don't know what's in those stims, I don't know how to make them, and it takes a direct order from the Captain or the CMO to even make the stuff, let alone deploy it. It was not voluntary. I don't even know if it was necessary. But I defended my crew."

"Now, It also says you got a Demotion with a immediate reassignment on fleet needs and bar from promotion for a period of one year....Which I will not allow the one Year bar of promotion, Is there a question about you new rank of Lt.?"

"I didn't have much of a defense, sir. I thought there must be some mix-up." Her voice stayed level as she tilted her head. "I had thought my judgement summary in full. Has it been overturned?"

"I am going to be straight forward Mrs.Andrake, I want you to see our Ships Counselor, And You will get a Second Chance at a Better Promotion for StarFleet, The Reason for the Counselor is you need to open up about this, and let it off your shoulders."

"I've... Been bouncing around counselors since the Jorgenson, sir. Telepaths and I don't really get along well. They can see what I can't remember. And it usually makes people a bit nervous. But I will see them. You've given me back my career, sir. It's already a weight off my shoulders. I can't repay that." Rose somehow simultaneously deflated and sat straighter, already trying to figure out what she had read about the Halo's counseling department and what small bites she could give a single person before they went running for the hills, so to speak.

"You have nothing to worry about, My Wife Kate Townsend is Chief Counselor here on the Halo, And Trust me she will listen, And she is only Human, so no Telepathic problems there."

"I've heard her name before. Bit of a rising star. I'll do my best to get my... History off my chest without being declared unfit for duty. Is there anything I need to know before I report for duty tomorrow morning? The Halo's the most advanced ship I've ever been aboard, so I'm still familiarizing with the manuals."

"Theres Nothing for now, We will be here in Dock at Earth for a while, So Get Used to its Crew/ Your New Ship mates, and Get used to the Ship. Now is there anything else?"

"Nothing I'm aware of, sir. I'll get moved in and dodge shore leave as long as I can, if that's okay. Never planned on getting this close to Earth. Mike wanted to take me, but my soul belongs to the void." This smile, at least, was genuine. She was born on a cargo ship deep in that infinite black, she sings the hullsong, she feels space as the heartbeat of her soul, and she sees the ship as her home. Wit this one small act of welcome, Rose had come home. "Just... One favor. If I can ask? Could you keep that issue need to know? I don't want my coworkers thinking I'm some warcrime waiting to happen. I heard it enough on the Lexington. And it tears my heart out every time I have to transfer."

"Oh. Trust Me, If anyone talks Shit they are gonna be hating life."

"Oh, thank gods. Ah... If there's nothing else, sir, I should probably not hold the docs up longer than I have to. Between your counselor and the CMO... I don't even know who they are, yet, and I'd really rather not force either one to hunt me down. Could be almost as bad as sticking me alone in a room with a telepath of any flavor."

"Okay, If theres any you need Tell me, Your Dismissed"

"Yessir." Rose was up, slipping the pair of rank pips off the desk as she stood, gave a quick salute, and with a quick stride disappeared through the door, already changing out the pips on her uniform by feel.


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