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Intrepid Commanding Officer Discussion

Posted on 2023, Fri Sep 29th, @ 10:21am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese

550 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Starbase 1
Timeline: A day after return

As the Vice Admiral realized that they just got back to earth, he heard about the whole case against Captain Emily Janeway. He thought to himself and thought hard. What if my daughter Lyric Reese became captain of the Intrepid. He then shook his head nah cause he knew it wouldn't have worked out because it has to go through chain of command. He the got to Admiral Townsend's office and rang the chime. He stood there patiently waiting to hear from the admiral. Vice Admiral Malcolm Reese also thought that his son Logan Reese who is captain and executive officer on board the Halo would work well as Commanding Officer on the Intrepid.


"Do you have a moment Admiral?" He asked.

"yes, Whats the Problem?"

"Well I heard about what is going on with Captain Janeway. Heard something about a ban. But sir. If I may, for the intrepid let alone on all Starfleet vessels it is right for the next senior officer to take the captains place when they are either unconscious or on a away team. But what about this instance?" As Malcolm sat down. "If anything we're to happen and the captain is to lose her commission as commanding Officer, wouldn't my son's friend Commander Lola Martinez be the next one in line for commanding Officer on board the Intrepid? If so, I'm sure she'll recommend Captain Janeway as one of her either senior officers or junior officers. Depending on what the decision is on this case." He said as he went on and on and on.

"The Intrepid will be put up at Mars in its Cargo Containment Buildings, for Temporary OUT Of Service, And the Captain will be put on Leave, and Commander Martienz will be asked which spot she would like on the Halo"

"Yes sir. But if I may, we should think about training my son to become a captain of his own vessel don't you think. I just thought I'd bring that up too." He said.

"Your Son will become a Captain of his own, But Not of a Intrepid Class, If he were to become Captain, It would be a Bigger ship like the Halo"

"Interesting. What ship will it be? I'm kind of interested on how he does his first command." He said as he smiled.

"He will Not be a Captain of his own ship For a While, Only Due to me Having No XO if he dose leave"

"Makes sense. I also wanted to ask you something." He added.

"Go Ahead"

"Are you free for drinks later? I'm sorry if it is a little weird to ask my commanding officer of the Halo." He said.

Chris laughed. "Yes I am Free, So is my wife Kate will be able to come, We have dropped out Daughter Katie at Kates Parents house, So We have some free time"

"OK. That is nice to know. It's because I want to get to know everyone else besides my son and daughter and their friends and my sons wife. But you and your family. I kinda want to know you guys." He said.

"Well, Maybe I will invite you to our ranch sometime, For a BBQ, So is there any other Concerns Admiral?"

"No sir." He said.



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