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Famliy Time

Posted on 2023, Tue Sep 26th, @ 2:36pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Commander Kate Townsend & Katie Townsend

817 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Townsend Family Quarters
Timeline: 3 Hours After Halos Arrival At SB1

After Chris had all the Reporting In's and Reports from his Senior Staff, It was time to go see the family. Kate and Katie were already situated in their New Home. When Chris walked in Katie ran up and jumped into Chris's arms. While their dog, Daisy a Brown and White Australian Shepherd ran up putting its front paws on his pants wanting Attention.

"Hi Daddy, Where have you been?" Chris Smiled and kissed his daughter on the forehead and said "Been at Work"

Kate walked out of the Bedroom, Half way out of her uniform, Meaning her Pips and Comm badge were off and her hair was down. "Hey, How was all the Meetings?" Chris put Katie down who ran off to play with Daisy in tow "They were okay, Got Some Decent Feedback from Logan." Chris walked up and hugged Kate and kissed her.

"The Captain shows Potential, And I feel like he would make a Great Captain of his own ship someday" Kate said

"I can agree with that." Chris Replied.

Kate then thought. Now to tell him the news. She looked up at Chris and said "There is something I want to tell you"

Chris Stepped back and grabbed both of Kate's Hands and said "What do you want to tell me?"

"..I..I am Pregnant." Kate said

"Really!, How Long? Dose Katie Know? When did you find out?" Chris said firing off all in a Quick line question.

Kate laughed at this and said "Only a few weeks, and found out a few hours ago, And No Katie does not know yet" As if summoned by her name Katie walks in and says. "What do I Know?" she said as she sat on the couch with her PADD Chris got her for Christmas.

Chris looked at Kate and she nodded. Chris went and sat on the Coffee table in front of Katie while Kate sat next to Katie on the couch. "There's something Daddy and Mommy need to tell you"

Katie then asked "Did I get a Pony? Is Grandma and Grandpa coming to live with us?" Katie Asked, Her 1 year old mind racing.

"No,...You're Going to be a Big.." Chris said and Kate finished "Sister" Katie lost it. "Big Sister! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!" And she started to do her little happy dance, and running around the Main Living Area. And Their Aussie, Daisy running with Katie.

"Shes going to be a Great big sister when he/She comes" Kate said. Chris moved to sit next to her on the couch. "She will, Now we can tell your Grandparents, We will be at Earth for another 2 Weeks, So we can visit them and Explore Paris"

"I would love that Paris Trip, I haven't been there in a while and Katie will love it" Kate said moving in closer to Chris.

"Kate and You and Katie have been the Best time I have ever had, two Years from ago I would have never wanted a Family, But now twos later I am Married with 2 Kids, One who is 1 and the other on the way"

"Chris When I first met you I knew you where the one, My One and Forever, And When we first had Katie, Our Bond grew stronger then it was, and Now With you being the CO of the Newest ship in the fleet besides the Enterprise it has grown more"

"I can agree, But I do want to ask you to do something" Chris asked Kate who sat up listening

"What is it?" Kate Asked

"I want you to hold a Counseling Session with the Crew of the Halo, And Commander Lola Martinez, the First Officer on the USS Intrepid and also do its Captain" Chris replied

"Yes I can do those tomorrow while Katie is visiting my parents"

"Good" Chris said "That's Settled, Katie! Daisy!" And then a Child and a Dog came running into the Living room with the Dog jumping onto the couch next to Chris with Katie next to Kate. "Katie tomorrow do you want to visit grandma and grandpa's house while Daddy and Mommy finish up some work then the next day go do some cool stuff?"

He eyes lit up and said "YAY!! Yes I want to see Grandma and Grandpa! Can I take Daisy!?" Daisy looked up at Katie as her name was said.

"I don't why not, My Dad has a Old Blood Hound, They should get along just fine" Kate said

"That's Okay, Well go get ready for bed, We have to leave early to get you to Grandma and Grandpa's" and Katie just said "Okay" and took off to the Bathroom to brush her teeth.

"That was Easy, You not going to eat?" Kate asked.

"I will eat later" Chris said. And then they both walked into the Main Bed room to get ready for bed.


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