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Testing the fighter jets

Posted on 2023, Wed Oct 4th, @ 2:11pm by Commodore Emily Janeway & Sergeant Major JB Dersch

697 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: USS.intrepid shuttle day /SB 1 Earth
Timeline: Current

Just like any other day on her own, the ship walks along the Corridor towards the door, shuttle day, where the federation fighters' attack-wing battleships are loaded into their own designated area for their next battle mission’s launch order, which the captain is not supposed to do on duty until the next morning when she’s walking down the runway to the group of people who are her senior crew members,

Dersch was searching for some Crates that just come in.

The Captain was wondering about in the fighter jet hangar as she was looking at the aircraft’s preparing for takeoff in the morning “I’m going to be taking a flight testing run” she said while she was looking at her per-takeoff safety listenings while she was inspecting her spacecraft she thought her LTCOL still around looking at the crates that just came on board Emily walked upstairs to have a conversation with her fellow officers. She did notice that her executive officer had something she wanted to discuss with her captain.

Emily walked in wearing her flight uniform flying gloves and helmet looking into the crates of boxes of cardboard containers that were sent from headquarters to her vessel the other day she found the mail that was addressed to her from family members who had sent her a care package and sent her a letter stating “ here is something useful for Augustus for the journey he’ll enjoy it for his jobs on his behalf a little protective case for the pads for him to deliver back-and-forth on the ship, so he can hold them and transport them” including items sent by other family members Grandma sent her, some caramel brownies to share with her boyfriend recipe and some dog food for the dogs and dogs items, Janeway began her work project of the starfighter jets analysis and diagnostics test flying, as well as some maintenance even though she knows it’s all hands on deck it’s a small ship. Everyone has to do something to participate in. This will help her keep her mind occupied and focused. The Captain walks away from her work area to take a package over to the LTCOL Dersch “ Here’s a package for you and it’s addressed to you also get some dog food for Poppy and Augustus, plenty of stuff for our mission journey” she said she continues working.


then Emily gave her colleague a thumbs-up as she pulled the starfighter helmet onto her head while standing in front of an already preparing to depart from her home ship in the test flights before the launch of our missions. “ the dogs will love it. I just hope we got all their dog food the right ones.”

Inside the runabout fighter control room area the captain has begun to initiate the engine pre-launch process sequence to process the controls manual hand controllers to control the shuttle navigational/engine system’s assembly process then using the manual commands to execute the pilot commands to ensure that the control unit has been correctly calibrated for takeoff during launch operations and transit, Janeway opens to channel are the connections communication to the bridge tapping her mobile communicator =^= star-fighter jet alpha to bridge =^= ready to commence takeoff from flight runway Martinez over? =^= Janeway patiently waited inside the tarmac runway ready for the all-clear green light to begin the testing performances of the aircraft.

As time passed by Emily sat alone in the cockpit while waiting and watching among other spacecraft and starships flying overhead awaiting feedback from her crew to complete their flight testing she should have known now that she’d have to be able to get along with her crew members on board without having any issues with her crew members.

The captain finally managed to get complete all of their jet fighters overall approved as she had at the same time been recording all full diagnostics reports and analysis and performance, as well as what we could improve upon with adjustments to fighters, the captain finally begins her trip back to ship with a report forward to her executive officer upon the arrival


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