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Get to Know the XO

Posted on 2023, Fri Aug 25th, @ 1:40pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese

488 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current

=^=Captain Reese Please meet me in the Ready Room=^=
After tapping his comm badge again he grabbed the Info PADD on the Newly Assigned XO, and readied his questions for the Captain.

=^= Yes sir I'm on my way sir =^= he said as he started his way to the bridge and too the ready room. He did there at the door and rang the chime. He then stood there and waited.

"Enter" He heard. The Admiral Stood as he entered the Room, "Admiral Chris Townsend, Thanks For Join My Crew" He extended his hand for a Shake.

"No problem Admiral." As Resse shook the admirals hand. "I'm honored to be a part of the crew sir. Whatever you need I'll help you out no matter what sir. I'm your right hand man from here on out sir." He said.

The Admiral motioned for him to sit down. "Well I am Honored to have you as well, Now my First Question I ask All My Officers is...Why Did you join Star Fleet?" The Admiral Asked.

"Well sir," as he sat down. "I started cause some of my friends started and I wanted to follow them in their footstep. Uh doing this is something I also wanted to do sir." He added

"Good, I was thinking you were just a Follower, But it seems you are a leader. Good, The Type I am looking for. Now It says here you have a Spouse? What dose she do for a Living?" Townsend asked.

"Well sir. My wife Quinn Pensky Reese she does Engineering. Uh she knows what goes up and down in a engine and engineering with all her life sir."

"Well, Now, I have no other questions, Yes it might seem odd but I was brought in the Admiralty at the age of 25 after the Borg-Changeling attack in 2401, But I seem to Like you already, So Are there any questions for me to Answer"

"Sir. Once my wife comes on board. Would that affect my relationship and my duty? I'm just curious sir." He asked

"No It will not, Soon My Own wife and 1 Year Old Daughter will be coming aboard soon. And Plus, The Quarters are really nice for Us Command Officers Don't you think?" The Admiral had a point the Command level officers got decent sized Living spaces.

"Yes sir. I agree." He said. "Just know that my wife and I are planning on having a child of our own sometime too." He said.

"Well, I wish you luck and let me tell you, It is a gift to have a Kid, Once we get our Chief Medical officer keep in check with He or she so she knows to stand by once you do have one. Any Other questions?"

"No Admiral. There is not." He said.

"Well, Then Lets get your Wife on Board and let her check her ship out, Then we will go from there."


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