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Reporting In-Gunnery Sergeant Bruke III

Posted on 2023, Mon Oct 30th, @ 1:02pm by Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke III & 1st Lieutenant Nakita Alexeievna

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Wing Commander Office
Timeline: Next Day After Halos Arrival

Janet got her Uniform on and made her way to the Wing Commanders Office, where she was meeting the New Wing Commander. She Arrived and pushed the chime button.

"Come in." Nikita said as she was still setting up her small office.

Janet walked in. Stood in Formation and Saluted "Gunnery Sergeant Janet Bruke!"

"Relax Gunny?" Nikita said. "We are going to be flying together, so lets get to know each other."

She release some of the Pressure from her Formal stance, but most of it stayed. "Sorry, Used to Being formal"

"Military brat, huh?" Nikita asked. "So what got you into flying?"

"Well, I was in the Royal Air Force for a long time before Star Fleet. I kinda always like the feel of flying."

"I see." Nikita said. "Impressive." She added. "So what brings you to the Halo?"

"Wanted something more Fulfilling and not as Slow as the RAF, and Star Fleet gave that to me, Anything else?"

"So what do you do in your free time, Gunny?" Nikita asked.

"Design, Shoot, and Work Out" She replied.

"So no past times besides those?" Nikita asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Not Really, Like to stay active"

"I see." Nikita said. "Nothing wrong with all of that, just remember that you should have a few non-physical hobbies."

"Like Read? Yea, I think i will past" She said with a laugh.

"I was referring to other things then reading." Nikita said. "But that is your business." She stated. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"No, But might be later" She replied.

"My door is always open, but when one duty you will see me out on the deck with my bird." Nikita said with a chuckle.

"I wouldn't put it past you Mam, Permission to Be Dismissed"



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