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Report Lt. JG Renee

Posted on 2023, Wed Sep 27th, @ 10:08am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

440 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Star Base 1, Office
Timeline: 1 1/2 Hours After Halos Arrival At Earth

Townsend waited in his office on SB for one of his Security Officers.

Renee' gathers his belongings after a crazy few hours, then headed off to see the Admiral.

Jason pings the door letting Townsend know somebody was outside.

Jason hears "Come" from inside. As He walks in the Admiral is sitting with his back to the Door and looking at the Window which showed the USS Halo docked to the Station.

Jason just stands at attention, he remembers what happened the last time he sat down.

Reneé doesn't know if he should speak or not so he remains quite. The scene from the brig still runs through his mind as did I really hit the prisoner.

"Please Sit" Chris turns around and Renee sees he holding a Cup of Coffee, "If you want any Coffee or something to Drink, Please Help yourself" he said to Renee as he motioned to the Replicator

Ty sir, sweet tea cold Reneé says.

He grabs his drink and sits down. Sir there has been something on my mind about what happened in the brig and I can't shake it, it's just a weird feeling. Do we have any kind of security footage in there?

"Yes We do, And Everything that Happen from the Moment you walked in and the Moment you walked out,..Was caught on Camera, I have not been talked to by the CINC but he might talk to you first"

Aye sir. I just need a clear conscious and this weight off my shoulders says Reneé

"The Reason your Here Jason is for me to Give you some advice for our Next Mission"

Reneé sat back all this time he thought he was further screwed, next mission sir? Asked Reneé

I thought I had to go in front of star fleet to determine what's going to happen if I needed to go back to the academy

"You Will, When they are ready but for now, Your going to stay on the Halo till they are ready. Meaning if we get a mission your coming"

Aye sir says Reneé.

"Is there any questions? If Not You will need to report to the New Chief, Commander Stormer"

No sir as Reneé finishes his drink. He gets up, sir I hope that one day I can return to being the commander of security again but I understand it will take time. Reneé then thanks the admiral for the drink and heads out to find commander stormer

The Admiral stands and puts his hands behind his back and looks out the window. I hope he learns to control his anger


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