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Report Captain Reese

Posted on 2023, Wed Sep 27th, @ 8:51am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese

205 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Star Base 1, Office
Timeline: 1 Hour After Halos Arrival At Earth

The Admiral waited in his Office for the XO.

The Captain chimes the chime.

"Come" The Captain heard from the Padd on the wall.

Reese then walked in. "You wanted to see me sir?" Asked Captain Reese to the admiral.

"Yes, Want something to Eat? Drink?" He asked motioning to the Replicator in the Far Wall, Along with some Whisky. But that was for off-Duty hours.

"Drink will be good sir. Nothing else." He said.

Soon Reese had a Drink. And Townsend went and sat back in his chair. "Captain I want to know your thoughts on the Crews Performances on this last mission. And Be Open about this, Meaning Speak Freely"

"Well sir. Our performance, was not the greatest. Lieutenant Junior Grade ReneƩ didn't do what was needed. So I think it'll be best if we did like a court martial." He explained.

"I Agree, Mr. Renee's actions were unneeded, He should have not done that, And He will get some sort of Punishment from Star Fleet besides me down ranking him, Is there any other issures?"

"With all due respect, I would like to have a visit with the new chief." He said.

"Thats up to you, Just don't scare her off, Dismissed"


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