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Reporting In 1st. Lt. Alexeievna

Posted on 2023, Mon Oct 30th, @ 1:02pm by Admiral Christopher Townsend & 1st Lieutenant Nakita Alexeievna

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Star Base 1, Earth
Timeline: 15 Minutes After Halos Arrival At Earth

The Admiral sat in his Office on SB1 waiting for the New Wing Commander to arrive.

Nikita smirked at her new orders. She was going to pilot some of the newest Fighter's within Starfleet's arsenal. She was looking forward to get into the guts of this new craft. She found herself outside the Admiral's Office upon SB1. She hit the buzzer and waited.

She heard "Come" and as she walked in, the Admiral was Drinking a Cup of coffee and reading a PADD.

Nikita came into the Admiral's Office as snapped to attention before his desk. "First Lieutenant Nikita Alexeievna reporting in, sir." She stated.

"Please Sit, My Name is Chris Townsend, but Call me Chris, For Now, When on the Halo, Admiral" He motioned to the seat in the front of the desk.

"Yes sir." Nikita said as she took the offered seat. "I must ask, why so informal?"

"Sorry, I like to be Formal on certain times but most non, Sorry, We can be formal if you want"

"Your office, your rules." Nikita said. "Is there anything you wish to know about me?"

"Is there anything You need to make you stay on the Halo More enjoyable?"

"Just keep engineering off my back, as I like to work on my own birds, and make special mods to them." Nikita said.

"Well Trust me, They won't. Anything else?"

"Good." Nikita said. "Beyond that I am a pretty open."

"Good, Is there anything you need to know about me?" Townsend asked.

"Well I have a good idea on how you are in a professional manner." Nikita said. "So are you married?"

"Why Yes, To Our Chief Counselor here on the Halo, and Have one little Girl name Katie whos 1, Why do you ask?" This question surprised Chris, never did he ever meet a Officer when asked to ask any questions about him did that question get asked.

"How sweet." Nikita said. "My last ship, the Captain was single and a Womanizer." She stated. "He was a harmless flirt."

"I hate those Captains, they tend to either leave star fleet later in life, Or they end up losing their ship"

"Some Captain's are just harmless flirts." Nikita said with a smirk. "So I asked, because I wanted to know what kind of Captain you are."

'Well, your Dismissed, See you later"


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