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Inturder Alert

Posted on 2023, Tue Sep 26th, @ 8:57am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé
Edited on on 2023, Tue Sep 26th, @ 9:11am

197 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: All Decks
Timeline: Enroute To Earth

The Admiral was still talking with the Command when the Intruder Alert sounded. "Don't tell me he got loose!" said the Admiral as he took off to the bridge and as he entered he said "Status Report"

Going back to yellow alert and ensuring the ambassador that is is now safe, Reneé has a security detail outside to be on the safe side.

Reneé heads back to the bridge after a crazy couple of hours and sees the admiral, Sir all threats eliminated. We had another assassin hiding on board and I was as to detain her she's now in the brig says Reneé

"So what the Hell Happened?" Asked the Admiral

There was another assassin trying to kill the ambassador, I have her in the brig right now says Reneé. It seems like the first person had some help.

"Admiral. I had to take us to Red alert because I knew something wasn't right." He said.

"Thats Fine," then the Screen then dropped from the blue hues to show earth. They had Arrived at Earth. "Get them to Security down on Earth, I will be heading out for a Meeting now" And Townsend left the bridge.


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