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Last on the earth before adventure

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 25th, @ 9:57am by Commodore Emily Janeway & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Lieutenant JG Lyric Reese

1,008 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Various
Timeline: Days prior to leaving not sure

Emily was her own office on the bridge with her boyfriend when we’re talking about the future with their both dogs were in the same room together Augustus was settling in very well with his new friend, will he still apprehensive about moving on with her life. She therefore began to feeling uneasy or anxious at the moment. Later in the day Emily was walking around her ship deck trying desperately to make sure that everything and everyone was ready to leave

Commander Martinez saw the captain. "captain. All crew and stations are ready." She said.

Dersch walked onto the bridge, "Captain, Commander, We have received our First Mission but we are to wait for the Halo to Get back".

The Captain was standing in front of the bridge standing like only best captain stance in own her way she had known just like her mother taught her when she was a child, and how to sit in her own chair , the Captain’s chair , The captain stood nearby her colonel to coordinate what actions to take as far as what we should do while we wait for the Halo to a ride back from their mission. “Is my other of my family members going to arrive at our ship today?” The Captain asked

"Captain. From what I've heard is once the Halo gets back, we are due to leave immediately. They will be on board a shuttlecraft and will meet us to where we are going captain." Commander Martinez explained.

Commander Martinez comes onto the bridge herself and notices that the intrepid doesn't have a full complete crew on board. Let alone a full senior staff besides from the captain, the commander, the colonel and herself. The captain was still standing at the center of the room

“ Commander Martinez, I am aware of that situation we were ordered to leave immediately after the fleet ship returned home from their missions, but we have to make sure that we are all on board with providing adequate communication with our crew members as we prepare for our departure on this journey to within the unknown universe.” she said in the stern tone of her voice as was addressing everyone in the room.

Then the comms channel beeped, and JB went checked, "Captain, its Admiral Townsend, On Channel 2 opening now" In front of Helm and Ops, A Holographic projection activates and showed Admiral Townsend. "Captain Janeway, Commander Martinez, Colonel Dersch, Be ready to Leave once we arrive, The New Orders will be sent out soon. Townsend out"

Emily stood out attention when admiral gave her ship the order to leave immediately to go on her first mission on first ship she just so simply acknowledge the order that was directed to her ship, and then suddenly saluted her commanding officer then she looked around at her bridge crew to say “Let’s get Started” like her mother once did said, she had struggled not to be shown off any signs of her being weakness or distress or being seen as a weak leader but as she stood silently to give her Colonel who had understand the silent message that Emily was trying to give him showing. She was worried or anxious, and she was trying to hide her emotions from other’s eyes. But he understood what she was feeling. He blinked at her as he looked at her with his reassuring eyes and a pat on her back.

Dersch then started to get the ship systems ready to leave, even through they had to wait on the Halo to arrive. The captain asked “ Dersch would you like to join me for our lunch in the Ship’s Cafeteria today?” She asked him.

"Sure, Lets Go" Dersch said as they walked to the Lift" they had arrived at their destination and they walked to the cafeteria where they were having lunch at their usual location in the cafeteria where their conversation was mutual and casual with each other’s company and their relationship was mutual as though they are still head commanding officers of Starfleet Command as they were continuing to keep their relationship private and professional at the same time.

Then Emily was in a weak spot with the news that they were going to leave immediately after their other ship returned.“ I’m clearly concerned about my own mental state right now because I don’t think I’m capable of being a captain at the same time as having the usual personnel emotions of feeling like I’m a weak person who doesn’t know how to handle these things properly” They both continue on eating their meal at the table “ what about my mom who is going to be far away from me when I gone to the missions to not be able to hear her again? While she and her boyfriend were still eating and talking to each other before they are to be ordered out by the Starfleet Command they were ordered to depart from the station immediately after their arrival of their second fleet service ship scheduled to arrive back to Earth from their scheduled mission’s, Emily asked JB while she was waiting for her xo to call her and her crew back to their stations to prepare an their mission voyage to the deep space frontiers of space galaxies Emily was picking at her food on her plate to think of what she was going to say to JB “what do you think we should do this weekend” she asked JB also i think we’re going to be receiving some more crew members for our ship i don’t know when we are going to start getting them to be included on our ship before we start our new mission as Emily is still continuing studying the ship’s duty roster rotation assignments for the preparations for their upcoming departure from the Earth station once they receive announcement from the headquarters they are going to be launching their missions.


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