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Getting our ship ready for launch

Posted on 2023, Thu Sep 21st, @ 11:45am by Commodore Emily Janeway & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Lieutenant JG Lyric Reese

1,489 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Main Flight deck/ crew quarters
Timeline: Week before departure

The Captain was seated in her very own command chair while her and her colleagues were gathering the ship ready for their first mission in the Captain Emily’s history to Starfleet Command in lifetime. Emily was standing in control center while she was daydreaming about things inside her own brains. She was walking around her newly built ship with her own excitement as she’s waiting for her family to come on boarding her ship. Also she was just sitting on her command chair with her notepads just waiting for the arrival of her new crew members to arrive to her vessel.

Dersch was down in the Marine Weapon Lockers checking everything getting them set up and ready

Emily was down there checking out marine weapons locker’s to see if they had received the new phaser assault weapons ‘ V4 Phaser assault rifle’ “I just wanted to see you again”

"Sure, Sure, You just wanted to what weapons of Destruction we had at our Disposal" he said with a laugh.

“ I just wanted to stay busy it’s boring now on my own main control deck she said with a smile on her beautiful smile on her face “not a whole lot of crew members are going to be here today.” “ did you really have fun with my family last week.”

"I have meet the famous janeways, What could be better than that"

Emily laughs said I’m very happy to hear that you are having fun with my family and I noticed that it was in the dead of autumn when you came to visit me and my mom and my grandma almost about first day of frost. “I’m just thankful that you’re here with me now”

He continued his weapon Checks. "Well, I am getting ready to head to Earth to get Poppy, So I will check in a little bit"
“ don’t forget Augustus is probably causing a ruckus going nuts without us” like he was two years ago when I wasn’t there and you’re not there for awhile Emily kissed him before he left”

The Captain continued on with her walking around the ship with curiosity and confidence in her abilities as captain of her ship she was heading towards the lift elevator to go check on her other crew personnel that were on schedule to be arriving. Then Emily headed back towards the marine department to meet their dogs

Emily has gone back into her own Captain ready room walked into the room sat down it couch with a small old big notebook full of information covering about the Janeway family estate property and their history of their family private cemetery mausoleum and cemetery plots along with her own discovery found a small stone weeping angel statue sitting on a large stone pegasus top of huge grave stones along a family last named on top of the foot gravestones along a large gated fence near a cemetery gatehouse that she had never seen before or had been able to discover it herself.

About a Hour later Dersch and his dog Poppy were in his Quarters

Emily had just arrived at his quarters to get to know his dog Poppy and to share a that she found old big notebook full of information covering about the Janeway family estate property and their history of their family private cemetery mausoleum and cemetery plots along with her own discovery found a small stone weeping angel statue sitting on a large stone pegasus top of huge grave stones along a family last named on top of the foot gravestones along a large gated fence near a cemetery gatehouse she had rang the doorbell

From inside he heard barking, A Very Angry Bark then. "Hush, Poppy Go lay down..Come"

Emily walked into the room “ hey I just wanted to see You and your dog and I found this old big black book with the pictures of the Janeway’s family estate cemetery grounds that I was not allowed to talk about or even allowed into the cemetery grounds or the Janeway family mausoleum that I had always wanted to visit, Emily hugged JB “ I have been very clingy lately I apologize for being oddly shy to you in anyway”

"Well, Lets take a look"

Emily hands over the big black book and lose physical papers photos and burial recordings sat down at a small table in his living quarters to look over the documents and contents.

He starts to read through all of them, Meanwhile Poppy slowly walks up to Emily, checking her out. is she a threat? Or She okay?

Emily simply seat quietly watching the dog while JB was sitting beside her reading the papers inside the big book about the size of a ledger

Finally it came up for some lovins. Emily started to play with Poppy aside her boyfriend who was just watching her enjoying her his time watching her play with his dog while he was studying the book that Emily had given him to read and also looked at the pictures ,

Soon he finished reading. "Have you talked to the XO yet?"

Emily shook her head as she was saying that she hadn’t seen her XO since last week when she and I were talking in my main control room office on Friday night when I had gone to bed early for the night and then she returned to her post on the bridge that evening. Have you heard anything from my XO yet lately?

Emily was still playing with their dog Poppy “I just got to hope that my mother the admiral would still be alive when we get back from our first mission though I might be still able send her a video transmission chat with her before we leave the planet Earth’s Starbase,”

Reese steps in and says "Hello captain." Looking back at Dersch. "Colonel. I'm the Intelligence officer here on the intrepid. Welcome to the Intrepid." She said.

“Thank you for your kind visit me and my boyfriend and our two dogs Augustus and Poppy” since you are my intelligence officer well, maybe you can do some research on rather personal matter of mine “ still trying to figure out myself who is calling card he only goes by ‘the Reaper’ “ He poisoned me back on the Starbase. I was spending the weekend on in the hotel on my last ship. I served on before transferring to this vessel years later … that’s his calling card nickname though “ don’t want to take up your time, it’s nice to know you”.

Emily walks back to seat down to Dersch when he was in the process of making breakfast for himself and her together at the table. “I’m going to call my mom today because I’m going to go in on our first mission tour of duty campion and who will know when we will return to earth once we leave this space dock.” “ I don’t want us to get tossed out into an unknown charted part quadrant galaxy straight out of nowhere, and will lose contact with our loved ones or lose contact with Starfleet in particular” Emily said ‘Emily continues to eat her breakfast

"Sounds Good" He says

"Well I can do that. But may I ask why I'm being asked to do something so personal for you guys? I mean don't get me wrong I'll do it." Lyric said.

After carefully listening to Lyric had said to her “ it’s a personal matter of mine” she said breathing nervously leaning her arm towards the bulkhead of the wall “ in other words, it’s just a personal matter that I can’t really seem to understand or comprehend or let go from to in Order for me to move forward with my own life “ she said “ It’s not something that you necessarily needs to be done right away Lyric.”
“Is there anything else” the captain says to both of them that are in the same room.
“ I’m going to be talking my mother maybe prior before us departing from Earth just don’t know how I can do that”. Emily asked her boyfriend.

"Yes ma'am. I will get to it when we leave ma'am." She said.

The Captain thanked Lyric for her time today to visit her and Derch this evening, which she said to JB “ good night my love kissed him goodbye for the night and he said good night to her also.

She left and then smiled.

Next very morning The captain and the colonel were both sitting at Emily‘s ready room in the process of getting ready for transmission audio video transmission meeting with my mother, and her dog has already arrived already playing with the new dog. OCC I have to start the next post for this one to continue.


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