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Posted on 2023, Fri Aug 25th, @ 11:10am by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell & Vice Admiral Katie Snow

183 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)
Location: Ambassadors Division-Star Base 1
Timeline: Before Meeting With Commander Renee

Lovell walked into the Ambassadors division on Star Base 1 and walked past everyone right to the Main office of the Lead Ambassador here. "Mrs. Snow Pleasure to see you again."

A Woman with blond hair and blues looked up and and said "Oh Brother what are you doing here? Let me guess you here to tell me what to do?"

Pat Laughed. "No But you do have a New Base of Operations thorugh"

"Really" she said surprised "I kinda like my Earth View office" as she said this she looked out the window to see earth, she could see the North American Continent. "Where would this New Base of Operations be?"

"New Romulus"

"What!? You know how much I hate them!" She said. She has never liked them since they were the ones who killed her real Parents.

"I know but you are the best of the best"

"Yea I know When will I need head there?" she asked

"When the Halo gets her crew. Which is going to be a while so be ready at moments notice"

"Fine Fine, See you later"


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