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Time To Get Answers

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 25th, @ 9:44am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Lieutenant Commander Malcolm Reese & Captain Logan Reese & Commander Quinn Pensky-Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

1,714 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Brig
Timeline: Current

After Beaming Back to the Halo the Suspect was placed in the Brig and the Halo back Enroute to Earth.

As the Reese family and Doctor Matthews got to the brig, they looked at the admiral. Captain Reese asked the admiral something. "Admiral can I speak with you over there for a minute?" He asked the admiral.

"yes, Right this way" And He and the Captain stood off to the side while the others continued the walk to the brig. "So whats the problem captain?"

"Sir. With all due respect. Are you sure it's best we talk to the guy? He's dangerous as all get out sir." He said.

"Rather Me talk to him than the CINC" The Admiral repliyed

Reneé and another security officer walked the prisoner to their cell/holding area

You think this is going to hold me said Ex-officer K, the Klingons will come for me as I can give them the extensive knowledge of every ship including this one he said.

Trying to get on Jason's nerves the Ex-officer also says they even have information on every star fleet officer saying that with a nasty smile.

Reneé looks behind him to see if the admiral and captain are behind him but their not, Reneé takes this opportunity to knock out the Ex-officer and he does but making just enough noise for them to hear.

Locking the door securely Reneé tells the officer to stay close but not next to the door as he walks away.

The Admiral walks into the room and sees the Prisoner has been knocked out. In Anger he taps his comm badge. =^= Commander Renee, Ready Room. Now=^= Then to the Captain he says, "With me Captain".

Without saying a word Reneé does as he's told and heads to the ready room, he knows that he done f'd up.

When the Commander walked in the Captain was sitting on a Couch off to the side and Townsend was reading a PADD with his back to the Door.

Reneé quietly sat down

The Admiral voice boomed through the small room. "Stand Up Commander" He was not happy

Reneé stood and at attention. He was ready to be demoted and had his pins in hand at the ready to hand over

"Commander I only Have ONE Question, and ONE ONLY. And I want the Real Answer. What the HELL were you thinking!" The Admiral stood turned towards the Commander and toss the PADD onto the Table which made a Cracking sound as the Screen cracked as it hit the table and slid off onto the floor.

"Sir?" Commander Reese asked. She didn't know what happened. "I don't know what your talking about sir." As captain Reese stood up by the admiral shocked. Wondering what was going on she had no idea.

"Commander Reese, Commander Renee, Here broken a Star Fleet Regulation...He Beat the shit out of the Rebel Officer Down in the Brig. As of now Any evidence we have against him could be admissible!" He explained

"Admiral? I don't get it. Your mad at me for breaking a Starfleet regulation sir?" She asked.

"No, Sorry, Commander Reese, At Him" He Motioned to the Commander standing in front on Townsends desk,holding his rank pips

"Sir? Was he a Starfleet officer?" She asked.

"Yes, It was Former Star Fleet Officer, He lost that name when he attacked the Ambassador" The Admiral replied

"Where was he at? I'm surprised we caught the guy." She said.

"The Brig, In an Unconscious State, Which is why I am having a chat with Mr. Renee...Whos Anger seemed to get the better of him...." Trailed the Admiral

"Yes sir. Now may I ask why I'm here sir?" She asked

"Want to talk with You and the Captain when I am done with Renee" Chris Said.

Reneé kept his posture and said the prisoner got the best of me sir, he talked about how he is going to give the Klingons all important information on this ship, you and your family actually everybody's family on here. This ship and everybody on here is my family

"I do apologize for losing my cool and I'm accepting what comes my way."

"Commander, You have caused some issues that can't go unseen. So with that said, I have to do some type of action, So Commander Renee, You have been Demoted to Lt. Junior Grade, and No Longer In Chief SEC/TAC position, But just a SEC/TAC Officer, And Your going to have to go before a Board of Inquiry when we get back for the Actions for have done, Now again with that said, You might get sent back to the Academy or worse, Do you understand what you have done?" The Admiral said with Purpose.

Aye sir said Reneé as he puts his pins down

Both commander and captain reese both stood there feeling sorry for the guy. But at the same time they have much more pressing matters that the admiral wanted to discuss with the two.

"Now Rene your dismissed"

Both captain and commander both sat their wondering what's going on.

Aye sir, turns and leaves going back to his personal quarters.

"Admiral." Said the commander and he captain. "What did you need to discuss with us?" They said.

"I need to talk to you Commander Reese, About your Concerns about your husband going on away missions, I have read his Log..." He let her think about what to say next.

"Yes admiral." Said Commander Reese.

Just then =/\= sir the prisoner wants to talk to the admiral =/\= said the engin.

All the while Reneé packs his things to be ready to go in front of the board to hear what his fate intales

While Captain Reese heard about that he asked. "Sir. Shall I leave for this or do you want me to stay. I can go and see what the prisoner need to talk to you about if you'd like me too sir." He said.

"Go Ahead Captain"

"Aye captain." Said Reese and then took off to see the prisoner.

"Commander Reese I know your Concerns about sending your Husband on away missions, Which is why I tend to Use the Rule of me leading the away teams. And You permission to speak you mind, So speak your Mind."


When the captain shows up the prisoner noticed the admiral was not with him..

Your not the admiral stated the prisoner, what are you doing here?

All the while Reneé stopped outside the admirals door and requested to come in.

Captain reese looked at the prisoner. "it doesn't matter if I'm the admiral or not. The admiral is currently busy with other pressing matters at the moment. So he has sent me to deal with you. Whatever it is speak." Captain Reese said to the prisoner.

Woof said the prisoner as he starts laughing, alrighty one your commander never hit me, he wanted to but didn't this bruise that's all me baby he said. Like taking candy from a baby, I played possum.

Two since you guys wanted to play take backs a few Klingon warships should be dropping by soon since you fired in the neutral zone.

3 I wonder how your chief of security is feeling? I heard the admiral calling him, so what's his punishment for " knocking me out " he asked as he started laughing again.

Let me guess been demoted? Going to stand in front of star fleet for his punishment? What?

The prisoner then pulls out what looks like a tracking device from a hidden pocket.

"That is none of your business." He said.

That's funny the prisoner said as I knew Jason Reneé from the academy, good guy too. I was supposed to be commander he said so I started plotting became an engineer learned this ship inside and out.

I'm the one who screwed Reneé down here, I am giving the Klingons all the vital information on this ship including it's weaknesses and all info on the staff including you and your wife

"You were an officer on board the Halo? Then yes Lieutenant Junior Grade Reneé did get demoted." He said. "I need answers from you. Why did you attack the ambassador?" Reece asked the prisoner.

With a smirk, I was ordered to assassinate the ambassador on Klingons orders!!

The prisoner (starts speaking in Klingon) QIchwIj vISop 'e' vIParHa'! ( when I get out, I'm going to K*I'll you and everybody on this ship! )

Reese tapped his combadge =/\=Admiral we might have a security breach on board. There might be another person to kill the ambassador. The prisoner we have here is speaking in Klingon. We must secure the ship immediately sir. I repeat our prisoner is speaking Klingon and ordered someone to assassinate the ambassador. We need to lock down the ship immediately. I suggest we go to Red alert immediately. I repeat Red alert immediately.=/\= he tapped his combadge again.

The prisoner starts laughing, it's too late "SIR" he says

She should be arriving right on time

"You keep your mouth shut mister." He said.

As this is going on Lt jg Reneé is hearing the red alert what's going on he is wondering. =/\= Lt jg Reneé to captain, what's going on =/\=

=/\= We might have another person on the lose to kill the ambassador. I suggest you go to sickbay and see if she's still breathing I'll be right there. =/\=

=/\= aye sir=/\= said Reneé

Reneé hails tail to sickbay, only hoping the ambassador is ok and unharmed.

Finally getting off the lift Jason runs into sickbay as he does he finds a female human in a dark cloak hovering over the ambassador, Reneé see's this he's pulling his phaser and fires once hitting this woman knocking her out.

=/\= I have the assassin, I think we could go to yellow alert sir =/\= knowing this person has been stunned. Reneé put cuffs on her as he gets 3 security officers to bring her to the brig.

=/\= Copy that. =/\=. "Stand down from Red alert." The computer does so as the ship goes into Yellow Alert.

The three officers bring the prisoner down to the brig and make sure everything was locked tight.

Reneé stayed in the sickbay unit the ambassador wakes up.


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