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Whats Our Response

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 18th, @ 10:11am by Fleet Admiral Pat Lovell

214 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)(Star Base 113)
Location: Star Fleet HQ, San Francisco-Conference Room 1

After getting the Message from the Halo about the Ambassadors Attack, Lovell ordered a Meeting of Current Members of his Staff.

"Okay, Listen up, We have just received word, That Ambassador Snow who was to be Assigned to the New Romulus Embassy has been attacked"

"Wheres the Halo Now?" Asked Admiral Bordson of Star Fleet Security.

"Having a Stand off at the Klingon Border" The Next Response was from Vice Admiral Sisko of Strategic Operations.

"What do you mean Standoff on the Border?"

"Meaning a Klingon Ship has helped our Rogue Officer"

"That can;t be possible, We have no intel of any officers going rogue" said Admiral Batanides of Starfleet Intelligence.

"You shouldn't have this was premeditated, I had you looking for New Types not ones whos been planning this for months or even years" Replied Lovell

"So What is our Plan Of Action?" Asked Batanides

"I say we get some Marines Together and Get him back, and Have no trace to Star Fleet" That came from Field Marshal Kane, Star Fleet Marine CO of all the Battalions.

"No, We will wait till the Halo responds back, I trust Admiral Townsend, So For Now we will wait and Watch"

The Admirals All Nodded and Grabbed a PADD and started to review Recent Reports.


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