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The After Dinner talks

Posted on 2023, Tue Sep 19th, @ 8:11am by Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway & Sergeant Major JB Dersch & Commodore Emily Janeway

887 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)OUTPOST
Location: Grandma Janeway’s farmhouse

During the delicious dinner, Emily and her mother and her boyfriend decided to go out to the barn to have dessert and a conversation. Emily brought some cookies, and asked her boyfriend what kind of cookies do you want? I brought the cookies tins to share. Also they were continuing their conversation with my Emily’s mother.

Dersch leaned up against the Post in the barn

"Looks like my mom got the idea about the ‘reaper’" Emily was sitting on a bale of hay in the barn “I’m sure she’s going to love you being my boyfriend.” Dersch was seated on the haystack in the barnyard with Emily having a drink of delicious dessert coffee while they waited for Kathryn to arrive at the barn to continue their discussions before they could get their rest for the night.

"Which is Good, Oh by the way, Before heading over here I spoke about my Switching spots...And Got One"

Emily smiling at her boyfriend’s news

"Am The Marine XO, Lt. Colonel"

Emily was still smiling and had hugged her boyfriend when he told her about his news she was still thrilled about his news

Kathryn walking outside of house to continue talking with Dersch and Emily while they’re trying to keep their voices quiet for Kathryn’ mother could still sleep without making noise of the wonderful news that Dersch was talking about.

Emily was still feeling very nervous and overwhelmed with her anxiety and emotions with the situation of taking her first new missions from Starfleet command headquarters telling her where she has to go and what she’s ordered from them.

"I am Kinda interested what our orders are going to be" Emily says that she was just interested but didn’t know what to expect when she began her first mission journey with her boyfriend,
“ it’s just wonderful to know that my mother likes you. Also our dog is coming along onboard my ship" Augustus was inside the barn with his owners when he was trying to have Dersch it pick up and tossing around his toys. "Our little guy wants to play fetch with you “

"You want to play?" He picked the toy up and threw it. "By the Way, I have a Australian Shepherd, she will be coming with us on Intrepid"

Emily says "wow that sounds amazing indeed I can’t wait to see what will happen when that day arrives and this is the dog I already know before?”

"No You haven't met her yet, She dislikes other people so she will have to get used to you first before anyone else"

"what about our boy Augustus ?"

"Shes okay with other Dogs"
"that’s also wonderful" Emily was cuddled up with Dersch “it’s must be going to be tough for me sometimes physically tough since I have automatic replacement for my heart since that happened time”. Autumn wind was blowing outside it’s starting to be coming fall season here

"That heart is the top of the line, Don't worry" Emily gives a small smile to Dersch
“ that’s is true of the heart itself can’t indestructible in the long term along, my mother did she have all of the information that you need to get her to understand?”

"yes she did and have already forward it to the Protostar's Captain”

“ perfect that name reminds me of my uncle who was working with my mother years ago with Voyager lost in space still. I also just hoped that I’m not making our vacation sound to dramatic because I do really want to hear from you.”

"I will be with you on the Intrepid now, which I am kinda excited about"

“that will be very exciting for you and me” while they were holding hands together

"Well I hope we get a mission soon"

“I hope so too also but I’m still trying to spend some time with my mother and my grandma before our missions are going to be started” Emily said shortly before starting to feel tired after her first day back on Earth for some many years ago after her acceptance from Star fleet’s academy then she was accepted into the Star Fleet’s military academy and then returned to home from her medical accident instead of continuing her career in service with the ship she was on prior to her accident .

Emily and her boyfriend were both in the barnyard when roaster was starting his morning calls “ I think you and I were talking all night long with my mom about the matter that we had to deal with in order to get started on the manhunt for the ‘reaper’”

"At least it is over now"

“I thinking about it’s should be over for now because my mom has someone else that is going to track it down”.

Emily gets up from where she’s been sitting since last night and she kisses her boyfriend on his cheek while he’s still sleeping in his seat on the haystack in the stables sound asleep. She walks up to her grandmother’s house to check them both in the house to get a chance to talk to her mother about the personal issues that she has been experiencing lately.


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