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Beam Over

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 18th, @ 10:31am by Admiral Christopher Townsend & Corporal Kate Score & Captain Logan Reese & Lieutenant JG Jason Reneé

590 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: New Era
Location: Klingon Warship
Timeline: Current

Transporter Room 1

A Team of Security Offices and Corporal Score stood there waiting for the Others. Once in there they stood Ready. "Admiral On Deck"

"Listen up, Our Mission is to Grab the Rebel Officer at All Costs, Is that understood?"

All the Officers Echoed together, "Yes Sir"

"Lets Roll" And he stepped onto the Pad. Along with the First 6 Officers which were, Commander Renee, Captain Reese, Corporal Score and 3 Other Heavy Weapon SEC/TAC Officers, They all Wore Heavy Tactical Vest and had Phaser Rifles and two Phaser Pistols, One Strapped to the Chest and the Other one is on the leg Holster.

"You all Ready" The Admiral asked the First Group.

"Copy. I'm already myself."


Klingon Ship - Bridge

As they finished the Beam over, the Bridge crew started to grab their daggers and weapons. "Fire at Will" He said as he took a shot dropping the Klingon Captain to the ground. And aimed to take another out.

Takes fire at everyone.

Soon everyone was down. "Captain Check the computers and find where our Man is"

That's when a phaser goes off hitting the control panel leading to the back.

Reneé seeing where the shot came from he yelled out this way and pointed to were it came from.

Rifle up Reneé had point, slowly walking up somebody grabbed the front of the rifle and yanked Reneé into the other room. Jason looked up and saw the officer who shot him.

It's you said Reneé, I'm surprised you're not dead said the officer. Reneé got up and got into a fighting stance, you are coming with me said Reneé.

The officer cracked his knuckles the hell I am he said and the two went at it.

"You got it." Goes and checks the computers for any type of data.

Yea said Reneé

Score took up a Defense spot at the Entrance doors to the Bridge after they were secured.

Both Reneé and the star fleet officer were fighting both landing blows. I'm finishing this right here sir said officer k.

Reneé took the drunken master stance, kung fu replied officer k Reneé just kept quiet "ENOUGH" yelled the officer then went for a straight punch

That's when Reneé stepped to the side and swept his feet from under him taking the officer to the floor simultaneously pulling his phaser. He's down yelled Reneé I need somebody in here!

"Admiral. We have who we came for sir. We must leave immediately." He suggested

Reneé stands the officer up and puts cuffs on him and leads him back to the bridge.

Sir have you found anything? Asks Reneé

Reese stood there with something on mind. But he didn't want to say anything.

Reneé nodded with an understanding, let's get back quickly before more Klingons arrive!! Stated Reneé

"I agree."

The console (beep, beep, beep) incoming transmission said Reneé

Akrahlo bI'IHchugh, vaj ngoHlu'chugh

In Klingon (What's going on, your supposed to pick up our starfleet officer)

Just a few minutes ago by

Reneé immediately checked the station, uh sir we better hurry up in a worried voice, I have several Klingon warships approaching and their most likely cloaked said Reneé

"Lets Leave. Townsend to Halo, Get us off the ship and once we are back on the Halo Haul ass deeper into Federation Space, The Klingon's won't risk a war"

Transporter Chief: "I'm on it admiral." As the transporter chief is transporting the away team back to the ship.

Soon they were back on the Ship.


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