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Putting together the missing pieces

Posted on 2023, Mon Sep 18th, @ 9:41am by Commodore Emily Janeway

1,272 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Getting Ready (Character Development)(Star Base 113)
Location: Captain Emily’s bridge office
Timeline: Not sure

Emily in her command deck office checking up on the progress she left and preparation’s to get her ship ready to go on after trying to have a restful night of sleep, despite her mind being overly whelmed whatever could be bothering herself she thought maybe a friend ship of camaraderie might work, considering her relationship with her boyfriend JB that will be taking post on another ship besides hers and does not know how to handle the isolation.

The commander gets out of her chair on the bridge and then stands in front of the captain's ready room's door. She then stood there wondering if it is the best course of action she should take. She then stood there and took a deep breath then rang the chime.

Emily heard the door chime “ enter “

"Captain. Is everything okay captain?" She asked as she saw the captain.

“I’m not sure what is all right” I mean this is not what a Captain should be acting like since I don’t have my mothers command mask that she has worn for years .” I just felt on certain or apprehensive about things in my lifetime. how my mother is going to take the news or deal with the news as to me dating a member of Starfleet that I was dating or in a relationship on the old ship I was on years ago uss.Albion I think that’s what its name was I don’t wanna take up too much of my officers time. Did you see my pistol side arm underneath the desk like I secured it , I’m the one who created the Starfleet firearms and weaponry, and the tactical equipment even the first Starfleet standard issue phaser shotgun. We have a phaser compression rifle, which didn’t have much of a ways of supporting the rate of fire. Emily takes a pause and drinks some of water from her old marine issue water canteen.

"Captain. With all due respect, I trust your judgement. I know it'll be hard. But as your first officer, I'm here." She said.

The captain says continue commander just trying to get to know most of the crew since I’m trying to use this time to clear up any personal matters I have before our ship departs, just wondering if you read my medical files starting with the last ship I was once.

"Well captain. With all due respect. With me as your first officer, like I said before, but if I'm correct within the Starfleet rules and regulations, there is nothing wrong with dating another Starfleet vessel. If you go into the databanks of this vessel, Captain William T Riker, and Commander Deanna Troi are married. Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Eugene Paris and Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres were married. So it's okay. Hell, if you need sometime for shore leave before anything. I'll take care of the ship and on the first mission if you choose to go and be on shore leave." She said.

I see is there anything else discuss as far as utilizing our time in between missions missions for this month.

Also, will be getting a new shipment of weaponsb. It is now the v4 phaser assault rifle

"No captain. I do not." She said.

Emily was busy at her laptop and she brought up the file of the information design for the Marines latest weapons, because these are Emily’s creation’s designs had to learned to use and maintain full functionality of the weapon as well as field, strip it, if need be, or modifications in certain scenarios. “ Martinez here is the picture of the latest design that we will be in our standard issue load out firearms.”

"Captain. No need I understand. But while you were in here. We ended up getting a transmission from Starfleet command. And it doesn't look good." She said.

the Captain was beginning to sense dread from her first officers words that was spoken to her “ I don’t think I’m not sure what it could be, but I think definitely do have a sense fear of what might come out when when I must read the transmission well you stay with me when we read it together or listen together

Emily begins to open her command unit computer whatever it’s called and access the transmission from the fleet command not knowing what could be transmitted.

"Captain they didn't have it sent to anything. They want me to relay it captain."

“ what do I do with it? Do I need to access it to review it or will know you said it doesn’t look good” now I’m worried, depending doom it is this about my mother Kathryn Janeway set an I don’t think I’ll be able to handle reading it or listening to it. That’s why we need to make sure we have a counselor and board. I’m not sure when I’ll be getting new hired employees for my ship.”

"Captain. It's a verbal message. They didn't want to send it via electronic message." She said. "With that being said they said we must leave immediately and more crew will be underway to the Intrepid." She added.

“ I know what you’re saying I still have all the stuff I need to do prior to leaving here,my boyfriend and I are down visiting my mom’s house because I have introduced Commander JB to my mother and my grandma, where do they want us to leave?” With all respect commander. I understand the importance that you are trying to make, who knows if we’ll ever going to see our families again but who knows what could possibly go wrong for our voyage. Missions will have consequences for life or some thing that will come at a price just like what my mother did during the voyage in delta quadrant can’t take life for granted.’

"Captain. It's under one of the admirals orders they say want us to leave like right now. I'm sorry captain. But Starfleet commands orders." She said.

“ I would like to know who was the admiral, ordered us to leave do you want to leave?” Are you gonna miss anybody.” Has my dog already arrived. Do you know my dog has he arrived?” as well as my boyfriend hopefully he will be joining ship. I hope that would be nice for me.”

"Captain. I have already arranged your family and your dog on board and hour ago. Boyfriend is going to be coming in within the next hour shortly after we leave. And besides, don't worry." She said.

Emily was in a complete state of mind of complete nonsense among keeping her self mentally, and check and trying not to worry, or attempting to not over worry, but she knows it’s just her nature weakness that seems to be showing in her face that she’s only a human being. The captain got out of her desk chair to pace around like a captain. What do I do now like any other ordinary person in this state of predicament. “ let me know, or notify me when they have arrived.” And we will both perhaps start to calling an early night I’ll probably be needing to go to my living quarters, and maybe go to bed early tonight and will be ready to go to leave in the morning..

"Yes captain. Understood." As she went back to the bridge and sat down in the command chair.

Emily had gone to bed for the night


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